• Shinichiro Sano - Anniversary

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Do you ever experience that? Waking up with a sudden feeling of happiness that you don't know the reason of. And no matter how hard you try to think of one, nothing comes to mind?

Well that was the case for you today. But after having waisted enough time of finding an answer to this feeling, you eventually shrugged it off and decided to fresh yourself up before breakfast. 

Maybe the answer would come later throw out the day

Stepping out of bed, you shivered as your feet touched the cold, wooden floor making you mis the warmth of your comfortable bed.

Nevertheless, you went to the bathroom, did your thing and walked to the kitchen.

After preparing a simple yoghurt bowl you sat down at the dinning table and digged in

While chewing the fruit you had mixed in your yoghurt, you took out your phone and scrolled through instagram.

Liking some pictures from your friends you continued to look at other posts, occasionally double tapping the heart icon.

As you took the last bite from your meal, a notification of a new message popped up on your screen. At first you smiled when you saw from who it was. However when you read the text, you instantly choked on your food.

Dropping the phone you began to cough as some food went in to the wrong pipe.

After managing to calm down you grabbed the device to check the message once more, hoping you had read it wrong. Because if not, then you would feel like the worst person ever.

Allas to your misfortune, your screen displayed the answer you didn't wish for.

Hey L/n,
Happy one year anniversary.
Are you free today? If yes can you come over later at the shop? That way we can do something to celebrate it.

If you want to of course

Leaning back in your chair you ran a hand through you hair. To say that you were dissapointed in yourself was an understatement.

You felt actually beyond embarrassed and stupid. How you managed to forget that today marked the start of your relationship, was beyond your understanding.

Normally, people don't forget these kinds of important dates.

But of course you had to be the exception.

'' Now I get why I was overjoyed this morning'' you groaned

Sighing you typed a message back.

I'll be there in 20 minutes

With that you washed the dishes, put on your coat and shoes and exited your house.


As you arrived at the motorcycle shop you noticed two men inside threw the window. They were talking with Shinichiro, who by the looks of it didn't seem too happy.

Leaning against the glass window you figured it was best to wait outside till he was done with his customers. During that time you thought about different activities to do today. Like going to an amusement park, the zoo or if it wasn't too much trouble, maybe the beach?

Hearing the door open you shifted your attention to the two mens exiting the shop. Noticing your presence they both bowed polity before walking away. 

Content that they finally left you walked inside and saw Shinichiro leaning against the counter. Rubbing his face he held an irritated expression making you wonder what happened.

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now