• Kyo Sohma - Scared - part 1

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For as long as you can remember you and Kyo have always been at each others throat. Always arguing, always fighting and constantly challenging each other.

It was considered a miracle if you two could be in the same room in quietness.

Luckily Shigure and Yuki were used to it. Tohru on the hand had to adjust a little in the beginning.

However as time flew by that so called hatred you felt for each turned into something else.

 Because ever since the brown haired girl came living with you at Shigure's house, Kyo's personality started to change. And this actually intrigued you.

He would be more calmer and in control of his temper. But what really caught your attention was his soft side, which he rarely showed.

For example, he would be more protective and concerned about your well being. Like making sure you got home safely or that no one at school bothered you.

Those silly little things attracted you to him. And before you knew it, your simple 'liking him' had taken a whole other level.

However instead of being happy with these feelings, you grew scared.

Because when you thought about the misfortune experience of HatsuHaru, Hiro and Hatori you couldn't stop shivering.

If Akito were to discover your affection for the cat zodiac, there was no doubt in your mind that one of you would face terrible consequences. Just as your friends their lovers had gone through.

You knew how difficult Kyo's situation already was. So the thought of him getting hurt even more was the last thing you wanted.

And that's why you kept your feelings a secret. For both his and your safety.

Because as long as the curse remained along with Akito being the head of the Sohma family, you could never have a normal relationship.

However without your knowledge the boy was facing the same problems. 

Kyo never thought that of all the people he knew, he would catch feelings for the person he always bicker with. It seemed like Thoru's presence not only influenced his behavior but affected yours too. 

Thanks to her you showed more of your gentle and caring side. And the gloominess from living with the curse seemed to bother you less with each passing day. Resulting in you being more cheerful.

These changes had an impact on Kyo. At first he tried to surpress these feelings by convincing himself it was nothing.

But it became more and more difficult whenever you would smile at him. 

Yet as a last attempt to not give into these feelings, he would try to act all grumpy and annoyed whenever you would near him. That way he made it seem like you bothered him.

Which was something that usually happened when you two were in the same room...

But now, he couldn't hold up that act. Because every time his eyes meet your gentle gaze instead of an irritated one, his face would instantly flush.

Unfortunately, just like you, Kyo worried about Akito too. He didn't want you to end up in a hospital because of his stupid feelings.

With these thoughts in mind, you both stayed quiet about it for a very long time.

But of course your secret had to be discovered. How or when the head of the Sohma family found out was a mystery. But when you were suddenly summoned to meet him, without a reason, you had this intense bad feeling that it wasn't anything good.

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now