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I don't own The mentalist. If i did, i would be the happiest person on earth...which im clearly not.

Hey guys. As usual i hope you like what you read.

To all Jisbon shippers: I just finished a Jisbon story. It's called Jisbon (one-shot) i hope you want to read it :)

XXX Annie's pov XXX

Her head rested on Teresas shoulder. She could hear her breathe slowly, in and out. In these circumstances, it made her feel safe. Safe because she wasn't alone. She had her bad-ass aunt. Though she was pregnant and weak. She was often afraid they would just die in here. Just rot up. The Man gave us the sam amount of food as before i came. She missed her dad. So much. But she always felt sorry for Jane. After so many years Teresa and him did finally get married. And they was of course also expecting. Their lives were so perfect before she got kipnapped. Well, that was what Teresa had told. Her and Jane's stoy. She made it sound so good. Of course that was her words. But she loved her aunt. So practiclly, if Teresa was happy, she was happy.

XXX Jane's pov XXX

He should have known it. He should have known this was coming. Especially now. Because he was happy again. Happy with his life. Then Red John 2.0 came into the picture. Also known as red John's son. He didn't knew what to do. He sat on the old brown sofa at the FBI. So many memories. So many good times. It felt like torture. He'd rather have a gun to his head, then to maybe experience the death of his family again.
He knew the team did everything they could. He knew for sure, cause they all looked worse then zombies. Wandering around without progress, just getting more and more tired. Though they had found his identity. They tried to find an address or anything that could help them. Unfortunately without luck.
That was until Abbott came running to me with happy zombie eyes.
Jane, hurry...I have to show you something". Every time they had a new lead, he got goosebumps. Hoping it was something useful.
"What's up Wylie" Jane said looking intense at the computer screen without a clue. He really wasn't a computer genius.
"Well, you can, see here is the kidnappers phone number. And I got a notification about a signal. It means that he used his phone and I was able to track it".
"Well, where are they" he said.
Wylie cleared his throat.
"I wasn't able to track their exact location. But they are in a range of 10 miles". Wiley showed it to him on the screen.
Before Wylie was done explaining, Jane was already on his way out
The only thing in Janes mind was to save Teresa and would do anything to do that.

He knew. He knew where the kidnapper was. He drove 30 mile over the limit. He was pretty sure he heard the police about a mile ago. But didn't really care. Last time he did that, Abbott luckily saved him. He turned to the left and then to the right. Drove up beside an old farm with a big barn. He took a look around. Walked to the front door, who luckily was open. He moved slowly around in the house. Something he had learned from Teresa. When he sat his right foot in the old dirty kitchen, he could sense another person. He was right. The man or Red John 2.0 stood opposite him in a black hoodie and with a gun pointing at him.

"Welcome Patrick. It took you a long time to find me".

"You found a good hiding spot", Jane said and chuckled trying to lighten the atmosphere and trying to stop the man from killing him. Kinda hard when the man is pointing the gun to your head, only a about a meter away from him.

The man stood now so Jane could smell his breath. He wouldn't mind if he had taken the time to brush his teeth at least.

"Yout hink this is a game. Just like when you were a psycic. When everything was a game. But now you have everything you want, i can tell you, it's not a game Patrick. This is real".

Jane knew he was a bit afraid of him. He did after all kill his father and he could probably also kill him.

"Im a bit curios. What is your name" Jane asked.

"Patrick. Couldent your sloppy team figure that out. Well...i knew that already. But if you must know. My name is Jared Redmond. Red, from my father who was a legend. An idol to me".

Jane smiled and said. "Now that your are so kind, what about you tell me where my wife is". At this point he had no idea how to find Teresa.

Before he could answer a woman came rushing in. "Jared, we have a problem---"

She stopped talking when she saw me. Jared pushed her aside and looked into my eyes with a big smile.

"Oh, did i forget to tell you. I had so much fun watching her and the others the past few months. But then one morning i woke up and then i saw they had been so weak and so vulnerable. Their small bodies couldent take it anymore".

Jane sat down, wrapped his hands around his knees and cried. It wasn't true. They coulden't be dead. Not again. Maybe he was lying. But he had this feeling, that he told the truth. The past few months he hadent been able to tell if something was right or wrong. He was a mess.

Jared whispered to this still unknown women. He couldent see them so weel. He could only see a blurred Jared slapping he woman because of his tears. Then he heard him say:

"You had one job. One! I have to do everything by myself. You're useless. Let's go back".

Then the woman felt her now red cheek and said:

"What about him. Dont' you think he will do something":

"No, he don't know anything. He's not capably of anything other then crying" he said and chuckled.

They left Jane crying and he listened to their footsteps. He pulled himself together and began to go follow them. Rebembering the way they went from the sound of their footsteps. He still didn't now if they were alive or not. Maybe he was lying. But he had to fight for his family. Alive or not.

So there is not so many chapters left. Let me know what you think about it. (A little boring this time...but I have been really busy) Do you think they are alive?

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