A new lead

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XXX Janes pov XXX

Jane stood face to face with the kidnapper. Looked him deep in his eyes. He could see the evil, the way he tortured people. How much he liked it. The tortur left traces in his eyes. Jane was so filled with anger, that he considered to attack the man, and strangle him. He then met the beautiful green emrald eyes. She looked so weak and volnerable. He just wanted to hold her in his arms. Fell her warm body against his. Give her a really passionate kiss. He was in his own thoughts when suddenly he heard a gunshot. He knew. He didn't want to look. But he did and regretted it immediatly. Her weak volnerable body was now without a puls, a beating heart. He looked, at the man when i he felt a gunshot in his chest.

He sat up. Looked at Teresas side of the bed. He promised himself he wouldent cry. No, he wasen't going to lose his wife and child again. But he just couldent hold the tears back anymore. It was to damn hard. He missed her beatiful eyes, her lovely perfume and simply just her presence. He remembered the day of their wedding. Ahh...such a beautiful day. Perfect. But the best memory from that day stood to him clearly. It was when she told him she was pregnant. He had an unexpected smile on his lips when he thought about it. It was just after the wedding she was kidnapped. So he had just found out about the baby. His smile dissapeared again when he realised she had been missing for about a month now. He haven't slept properly since she was declared missing. And to be honest they wasen't that far in the investigation. This nightmar he had was just one of many. They usually ended with both of them dead. 

"Knock, knock". Jane jumped out of bed and slowly opened the door. It was Abott. When he heard Lisbon was kidnapped, he insisted to work on the case. Even though he didn't work in the F.B.I anymore. Cho had accepted because he knew Abott was a good help and he would do anything to help Lisbon. 

By the look on his face he obviously didn't come to small talk. It was about the case. 

"Good morning, Abott" i said with a forced smile. Abott just replyed with a sleepy "hey Jane". By the look of his eyes he had been working his ass off. 

Jane sat opposite of Abott. Jane had made some tea and a some well-earned coffee for Abott. 

"So, any new leads of Lis--...the case"? i asked. I had promised Teresa so many times i would protect her. So i sure had in mind of keeping that promise. 

"Well, yes. But not anything speciel" Abott said. Clearly he knew i would be dissapointed. But he always informed me, right away, when they had a new lead.

"But what did you find out" Jane said a little to demanding. But Abott didn't seem to notice. He really needed some sleep.

"A witness saw a woman being dragged into a black van. It was around the time her boyfriend reported her missing. The womans name ist btw Anna Reese. We qustioned the witness and she told us the woman was in her thirties". Abott said as it was a procedure".

I thought about it for a second. 

"Abott, where was Anna kidnapped"?

"It is just about 5 miles away from the F.B.I. It was on the corner at The American Diner and The Old Tea Store". He knew that i would know the place when he mentioned the tea shop. 

"Thank you Abott. Thank you for helping with the case. Im really grateful". 

"Of course i'll help. We will find her Jane. You will see her again. You just have to, keep your head high and hope for the best". Jane smiled a little by the thought of his family. 

"Abott, i have to be honest". Abott tried to sit in a more comfortable way. "You look like hell. Go home and sleep. You have been a big help. Sleep! That's an ordrer". He sounded just like Lisbon. Oh god he missed her...

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