In his arms

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I don't own The mentalist. Well... You should know that by now.
XXX Teresa's pov XXX

I had my weak hand in Annie's surprisingly warm hand. She stroke her hand in small circles on my bag. The other woman had somehow managed to fell asleep on the cold floor. I had my eyes closed and was half asleep. I almost get to sleep until Annie shake me and tell me not to sleep. Maybe i shouldn't try to sleep. But i just couldn't do it anymore. My entire body couldn't do it anymore. Every part was tired. I could almost feel how hungry my little miracle, inside me, was. Then i was half asleep and feeling really guilty. The baby didn't have it so good. I mean sitting here tired and starving was definitely not good for the baby. It was her own fault. Her fault the baby might not make it. She would hate herself for the rest of her life if the baby didn't make it. That was the only thing she could think about. She lay there half sleep, shaking a bit and sobbing. She could still feel Annie's hands on her back. That was the last thing she remembered.

XXX Jane's pov XXX

Press. Don't press. Press the button. Or don't. What should he do. His heart was beating fast. What if the terrible thing happened. He couldn't take it if Teresa died. Press. Don't press.

XXX Teresa's pov XXX

*A loud noise*

Her weak head couldn't move. Although she was almost asleep she could still hear with half an ear. Some footsteps came closer to her. Then two, warm and well known, arms wrapped around her and lifted her up bridal style. A voice screaming for help to call 911. Then some crying. Just a few seconds later. Or maybe minutes. Hard to tell. A lot of hands trying to get me up on a stretcher. A person sitting next to me in the ambulance talking. But to me the person was just mumbling. The person kept kissing my forehead. Like every five second.

The way to the hospital was short. A few seconds. Or was it minutes? Hours? Hard to tell.

They had 'planted' me in a bed with all these weird things in my arms and a machine that kept beeping. I was very tired and fell asleep, even though I was unconscious.

"FBI. Move so i can come in". A mans voice said angrily. Jane. He was talking with a nurse outside my room.

"Sir, you can't go in there. She needs rest. Come back later".

"I need to see her now"!

Then there were a lot of footsteps. They took Jane a way. He kept screaming my name. "Teresa, Teresa i will come back to you". That made me cry in my unconsciousness. Small tears running down my cheeks. It had been months since she had seen Jane. Months since he had loved and of course annoyed her. Months since he had seen the baby bump growing. More tears fell and she got flashback from their wedding.

"Patrick, do you take Teresa to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and health. For better or for worse to death do you part?"

"I sure do" he said like it was the only thing he was sure of.

"Teresa, do you take Patrick to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sicknes and health. For better and for worse to death do you part?"

"I do" i said and was so happy. It was the best day of my life

It made my tears run faster. My face was almost covered in tears. Suddenly i felt a warm hand take my hand and plant a kiss. Then warm lips press against my forehead.

"Hi my beautiful wife. You might be unconcious and might not hear me. But i just want you to know that i have missed you more than ever. I love you and I'm so glad that you're back".

I could hear he was sobbing a bit. But not too loud. So had stopped talking. Then my tears ran again. He noticed and wiped them away. He then leaned over me to give me a real kiss. When our lips drove apart, i opened my eyes and woke up from my unconsciousness.

I was still little dizzy. But Jane sat in my bed. He promised he would never be away from me again. It was nice except that i hoped i didn't mean that everywhere i went he would follow. Annie came running into my room and almost hugged me to death. She had a big smile. Almost as big as Jane. Luckily Annie wasn't hurt or anything.
Then she got to think about the little miracle inside her. Was it okay. Or not okay.
"Jane' how is the baby?"
"Uhmm...the baby..."

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