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A/N: I have been really busy. But here is the next chapter. Little short.

As usual i don't own The mentalist. Maybe if i changed my name to Bruno Heller i could steal The mentalist. Or not. Anyway hope you like it. And remember comment or vote if you like it :)

XXX Teresa's pov XXX


How could he be so unprofessional. I mean i was laying here really nervous. Not knowing what was wrong. I was a concerned soon-to-be mother. I looked at the others to see if i was the only one who was about to freak out. Van Pelt looked at the doctor trying to figure out what he meant. Patrick watching me and Rigsby looked funny enough like he could freak out any second. Then there was Cho. God, i hadn't even notice he came in. When did he come. Anyway i looked at Rigsby just when he was about to stand up. 

"What is wrong".

Everyone looked at Rigsby. Apparently he had yelled a little louder than he thought. His face first turned a slight red in embarrassment . But then he looked angry again. No one said anything to it. Actually we all felt like screaming at the doctor. He clearly made a huge mistake and now he was too afraid to actually tell what was wrong. 

"What is wrong". Now was it my turn to yell. 

"I'm sorr-...Sorry for the mis-s....take. Is it right you're 8 months pregnant". 

I grabbed Patrick's hand and nodded in response. 

"Okay then. I know it's still early, but we'll have to make a caesarean section". 

Now everybody looked at me. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to give a normal birth. We all knew that it could be dangerous for the baby to come out a month before time. 

"*Clears throat*. Van Pelt, Rigsby, let's go get some coffee".

They all stood up and went out to get some coffee including the doctor.

"Teresa, how are you feeling".

"I'm just a little choked".  

He stroke my hand to calm me down. It was nice but i was really angry at the doctor.

"I want a new doctor".

"I know, but we can't because they are all busy".

I gave him the look that says 'if you don't do it, there will be consequences'. He only had to look at my face for a second to understand. Before i knew t he was out of the door.

"Sir, you can't have another doctor. We just can't do that".

I was listening to the conversation Patrick and one of the other doctors outside my room.

"FBI, you have to give me another DOCTOR! You understand?"

Suddenly there were a lot of footsteps.

"Is this the crazy person" a man, with a deep voice, asked the doctor.

"No, no this is not necessary. I just think that uhmm...om going now" Patrick said.

The door opened and closed and Patrick stood relieved with his back against the door. He then looked at me with his big lovely smile. It made my heart melt. I really loved that smile. Then he stood beside my bed and leaned down to give me a kiss. Just a soft quick kiss.

*Door open*

"Hello, Teresa".

Arghh. The doctor ruined our moment. Jane also looked annoyed. We just wanted to be alone. Just for a little while.

""What's up doc" Jane said defeated.

"I'm afraid that we'll have to make the caesarean section now. Otherwise the baby might not survive".

Before me and Patrick could say anything a lot of doctors came in.

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