Chapter 5

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Chelsea's pov
It's the next day which means it's time for school. I got up, went and ate breakfast, took care of my dishes, went and washed my hair, scrunched it, did my makeup, brushed my teeth, and I got dressed. Guess I better wear regular clothes while I can. I then grabbed my keys, my phone, and my backpack, and I left my room.

"Bye bubby." I say hugging him.

"Bye sis have a greatest first day." He says hugging me back.

I then told Jackie bye and then I drove to school. As I walked through the halls, all of Jo's friends were giving me weird looks. I'm pretty sure he told them that I'm pregnant. I caught up with my friends, Kacey, Macey, Ronnie, Gerald, Caleb, and Axel.

"Hey y'all." I say.

"We heard you and Jo broke up." Axel says.

"Yeah. I'm fine I don't care anymore." I say.

"Would you feel bad if you saw him with another girl?" Caleb and Kacey ask.

"No. Plus I've been hanging out with Brandon." I say.

"Are y'all gonna be a thing?" Ronnie asks.

"In time yeah." I say.

"You've been crazy about him for the longest time." Gerald says.

"I know. I was just blinded by Jo." I say.

"Let's not focus on that m. It's senior year baby!" Macey and Kacey say really cheerful.

"Yes!" I say real excited.

School flew by, I only have six classes this year. Before I leave school I know I have to speak to the principal and let her know that I'm pregnant.

"Hi Miss. Shearer." She says as we sit.

"Hi." I say.

"What brings you by?" She asks.

"I was wanting to let you know that there is going to be times that I'll miss a few classes or a entire day. I'm pregnant." I say.

"Miss. Shearer I'm glad you came and spoke to me. Your an excellent student. I have no doubt that you will pass this year. We will just need doctor notes as well as notes from your brother." She says.

"I can most certainly do that." I say.

"Thank you for letting me know what's going on." She says.

"Your welcome ma'am. I've got to get to work. Thank you." I say getting up and getting my bag.

"You have a great day." She says with a smile.

"You too." I say.

I then left school and went to the shop.

"Sorry I'm late I was talking with my principal." I say going into the shop.

"Did you tell her what is going on?" Chief asks.

"Yeah. She understands and she wants notes not just from the doctor but from you as well." I say.

"We can do that." He says.

"Cool." I say.

I helped him work on his car for a bit and then I went into the office and began to do some inventory.

When we went home, Jo was in the drive.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"It was great." I ask.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"What do you care?" I ask.

"Well you are pregnant." He says.

"Jo I know that you don't care. Just leave." I say going to the house.

"Chelsea." He says.

I whipped around.

"Jo you don't care. Go. Get off my property before I call the laws." I say.

He then got into his car and left.

I walked in, accidentally slammed the door, threw my bag on the couch and went to my room.
There then was a knock.

"Chel." Chief says.

He then walks in.

"Am I I'm the wrong?" I ask.

"No. His parents made him come here." He says.

"I don't want him to see this baby." I say.

"His parents want part." He says.

"I have messages and emails from him saying he wants nothing to do with me or this baby. I told him he has to sign away his rights and he said that he would." I say.

"Do you have all of this saved?" He asks.

"Saved and I printed it during my free period." I say.

I then gave him the folder.

"Okay. I will take these to be taken care of tomorrow." He asks.

"Do I have to be there?" I ask.

"If so I'll have Jackie pick you up and take you back to school." He says.

"Okay." I say.

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