Chapter 2

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I just stood there shocked by the nice greeting I had received. I was expecting no welcoming at all but not this.

"Miss Hades? Are you alright?" A centaur was waving his hand in front of my face when I came back from reality.

"O-Oh yes I'm quite alright thank you." I say shyly as they take my things.

"I can do that. You don't need to." I look at someone who had horns coming out of his head.

He smiles. "It's alright. I got it. I'm Grover." Then I realized.

"G-Grover? The Grover I played hopscotch with when I was 12 Grover?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

He nods his head smiling. "Yeah. It's been a while hasn't it?"

I nod before looking at my parents who looked like they were about to cry. "Awe Darling, our little girl just made a new friend!" Mom says all excitedly.

I smile and hug them before hugging Tyne and Renalie. "I'm going to miss all of you. I'll come visit as often as I can!"

They all smiled at me softly as if this would be the last time they'd all see me. I gave them a confused look, to which they all just shrugged it off before giving everyone their final hugs goodbye and went back home.

I took a glance at Grover and he too had the same expression that I have. The counselors went inside the camp, having Jack and Vickie follow while I stayed beside Grover who was leading me to Cabin 13.

There was a moment of silence before I spoke unto him.

"I saw that you had the same facial expressions as I had. Do you know why they looked at me like that?" I look at him for advice.

When I was 12, I would ask Grover a lot of questions and he always had the best answers. He was like my brother from another mother. At least, that's how I feel about it. I'm not sure on what he feels about me. Maybe he thinks of me as his little sister. That would make me happy. Knowing that he would be there for me like a big brother is for his younger sibling.

He stops for a moment as he thinks of his own response before looking at me. "I'm not sure on what they were thinking, but they did look suspicious for the final moments they were here before leaving."

I sigh as I ran a hand through my hair that was messed up from the wind. "I hope I'm still be able to go back and visit. I promised Cerby I would. It'll tear me to pieces if I won't be able to see him. He's always been my rock."

"Who's Cerby?" Grover asks me, as I look up at him with the biggest smile on my face. We had stopped walking as I turned to respond.

"Cerberus. The Guardian of the Gates to the Pits of the Underworld. I have had him since I was a one-year-old. Mom and Dad would have arguments from time to time and I would always go hang out with Cerby to distract me from all the arguing that came from mom and dad."

He stood there in silence as I continued to tell him more about Cerby. I told him how everyone thinks he is just a giant monster with three heads, but he's actually a giant cuddle baby. Suddenly, a faint 'Watch out!' came far from the opposite direction on Grover's side. Grover and I looked to where the shout came from and saw an arrow coming towards us.

In my eyes everything started going slow, so I immediately pushed Grover and my luggage out of the way, while I raised a thick wall of Earth up from the ground to stop the flying arrow just in time.

I was looking at the arrow that was pointing directly at my face. I didn't even move from the spot I was in. Reality started to come back slowly as the shock was leaving me inch by inch. I kept hearing Grover shout 'Tigress' multiple times but it didn't sound clear until he put his hands on my shoulders to look me in the eyes.

"TIGRESS!? Can you hear me?! Are you alright?! Did you get hurt?!" He asks me with concern in his voice clearly. I didn't realize my entire being was shaking until he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm okay Grover. I'm just a little shocked you know." I answered softly after he released me from his hug.

I wasn't aware we had an audience until a female's voice sounded behind me. "Oh my goddess, are you alright? I didn't hurt you with that arrow did I?"

I slowly turned around to see a familiar face but I couldn't exactly put the name to it. I smile softly. "Yeah I'm totally okay. No harm done."

After I gave her my answer, I could visibly see the tension leave her and the crowd. "I am so sorry. Percy made me miss the practice target when he bumped into me."

She glared at a boy who's name must be Percy. He raised his hands up in defense. "I told you I was sorry Annabeth!" He exclaims in a tone I knew all to well.

"Percy? As in Percy Jackson?" I ask with hesitation and realization at the same time. Although I was too calm to be excited. I wasn't if that's what you were asking. I'm not exactly a big fan of Percy all because he's my Uncle's only half-blood child who's half human and half god.

He looks at me all confused. "Yes and who might you be?" He walks up to me cautiously.

Grover was going to answer for me since he could tell I was uncomfortable, but before he could Jack and Vickie came running to me.

Unfortunately for me, my identity was revealed because Vickie couldn't keep her mouth shut and had to shout my full name.

"Lillian Tigress Hades thank goddess your alright!" She shouts as she ran up to me giving me her signature bone crushing hugs. Did I ever mention that she and her brother look like elves? No? Well they do. They have the pointy ears and white hair and all that.

I stood frozen, unable to move because of my identity being revealed. Everyone in the crowd just gasped and started to whisper before backing away.

I had a face full of fear and shock, and after Vickie let me go she looked around and actually gave herself a face-palm.

"Shoot Tiger Lily. I'm so stupid! I didn't..." Vickie kept rambling on as I turned on my heal and grabbed my luggage before asking Grover to continue taking me to Cabin 13.

He graciously did so to help me get away from the crowd and away from my potential anxiety attack.


When we got to Cabin 13, I sigh in relief as I sit down on one of the steps, putting my head in between my knees and taking deep breaths. It took me a few minutes to stop my heavy breathing before I looked up.

"Tigress, it's alright ya know. Nothing bad will happen." Grover sat down next to me as he tried to calm me down.

I took a deep breath. "No Grover, nothing's going to be alright now. It's all over for me. Now that everyone knows who I am, I will eventually become an easy target." I look at him before looking at the ground.

I'm very thankful for the Cabin to be isolated from the others. No one could be near me and I don't have to be near them. Grover sighs.

"No you will not." He states.

"Yes I will Grover. Because if you haven't noticed by now, everyone here has a grudge against my father. Two times this camp has been nearly destroyed because of his wrath and vengeance. My family's not very 'popular' in that sort of sense. I mean he even tried to kill you and your friends." I stated louder. I could feel my anger rising in me.

"But he didn't and that's what matters. No one will harm you. I'll make sure of it. Besides isn't Percy your cousin?" He asks. I sighed.

"Yeah. What makes you think he'll protect me too? If anything our blood relation will just be an excuse to stay away from me." I said in a barely audible tone but I'm pretty sure Grover heard it.

He shook his head and got up to leave. "Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back."

I rolled my eyes at his back and started to draw in the dirt. I liked drawing in the dirt because it gave me relief. I also liked listening to the sounds of nature. That is until I heard someone speak.

"That was quite a show you put on back there."

Mated to His Hater's Imprint //Twilight x Percy Jackson// - UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now