Chapter 3

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I looked up to see who it was but unfortunately for me, the voice came from the woods and I couldn't see no face. So I just glared and looked back down.

"If you must know, I didn't want anything like that to happen from when I got here. I was hoping to go unnoticed but for some reason the Fates decided it wasn't meant to be." I mumbled as I continued to draw my patterns in the dirt.

The person chuckled as if they just heard the most ridiculous sentiment ever. "I highly doubt that."

I roll my eyes. "You know, if you just want to be a jackass to me, then by all means please do so. But don't do it the cowardly way." I stand up wiping the dirt off of my jeans as I heard the person step out from behind a tree.

"Oh please, why would I be what you already are?" The voice was much more deeper than I had thought. I sigh as I walk up into the cabin.

I heard footsteps following me from behind. I just ignored him and grabbed my suitcases, dragging them to one of the vacant beds. I set them in front as I examine it very closely.

"So, where you from? Indiana? Las Vegas? Washington?" He says smugly.

I look up to none other than Luke, Son of Hermès. I smirk menacingly. "The Underworld."

Suddenly, he bursts out laughing. I was taken aback by it all. I had my serious face on as he continued to laugh.

"You have got to be joking." He says in between laughs. He looks at my face and stops. Now he knows I'm serious.

"I can assure you, I am not." I state.

"So what are you like the Daughter of Hades and Persephone themselves?" He asks sarcastically.

I just give him a simple nod as his answer. He looks at me confused.

"Wait... you really are their daughter?" He asks once more to which I gave a nod as an answer. Again.

Before he could speak I saw Grover walk in with Annabeth, Percy, and a few others who I have no clue as to who they are.

"Grover? What's going on?" I ask conspicuously, before folding my arms across my chest.

He shrugs. "Well, when you confirmed that Percy is your cousin, I got to thinking and I remembered that Zeus also has a daughter. Not to mention you have two cousins here from Poseidon's lineage."

I looked at him confused. "Uh huh. Well can I meet them? Or were you gonna do the introductions here?" I gestured to all of us making Grover laugh.

I growled. "What's so funny goat boy?" My fists tightened and I hadn't noticed them back away even though I could feel the fury raging through my eye colors making them glow their usual hellish-orange.

Grover raised his hands up. "I'm sorry!! Please don't kill me!" He says as he cowers back behind Percy who just seems to be staring at me all wide eyed.

"Kill you? Why would I-" I stopped mid-sentence and just laughed.

"Oh I get it. 'Hades daughter. Filled with rage just like him. She's gonna kill me when I piss her off.' Seriously that's funny." I chuckle before looking at Grover seriously.

"I'm not my father." I state loudly before I push past them, walking out of the Cabin after grabbing my twin swords and headed to the forest.

I could hear multiple footsteps behind me as I put my double sheath's on my back where they belong before someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"Grover didn't mean to say any of that and that surely was not his intentions at all." A gentle voice told me. I turn around to meet the hard expression of a woman who appeared to be my age but older.

"Oh? Well what did he mean then, because I'm not much for inside jokes." I harshly spoke before turning around and continued to walk. Still, I heard the same multiple footsteps behind me.

I wanted to get away from them. I wanted to be alone to clear my head but unfortunately for me, that didn't look like it was going to happen any time soon.

The same hand grabbed my shoulder only this time she turned me around and pushed me back against a tree with a knife to my throat.

"Don't you walk away when I am trying to talk to you." She snarled at me.

"Or what? You gonna slice my throat open? Go ahead and try to. I'd like to see a Demi-Goddess kill a Goddess before her." I retort sarcastically.

She backs off of me with a surprised expression on her face. "Y-Your a G-Goddess?" She stuttered out, still holding the knife up as she prepared to defend herself.

I snort. "Well duh. I was born from a Goddess and my father is a God. So what would that make me?"

When she didn't answer I smirked at her. "That's what I thought. Now if you will excuse me, I have solitary training to do."

I go to walk past her but she grabs my arm and smirks at me. "You got guts kid. I like that. The name's Thalia. I'm Zeus' daughter. Your other cousin of course."

I smirk back. "Nice. I'm Lillian Tigress Hades. But you probably know that already. My friends call me Tiger Lily though."

She let go of my arm and I went on my way to the place I've been wanting to go to, to do my solitary training.


I watch through the orb as I prepare my army for battle, one of my own walks in distracting me from my own thoughts.

"Sir, their ready." He says as he looks down at the ground.

I smile gently. "Good. Send one up. We have to make sure that she meets those Mates of hers in Forks. Otherwise we're all doomed for eternity. We cannot have the Volturi after us once more. Even if they tried to defeat us, we still wouldn't stand a chance."

"Yes sir." He leaves and gets one sent up there.

Oh my little Tiger Lily. I'm sorry I have to do this. But we must get the wolves and that Olympic Coven that call themselves The Cullens on our side soon.

Mated to His Hater's Imprint //Twilight x Percy Jackson// - UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now