Chapter 16

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"LADIES!! Can we please chill it with the screaming?!" I said, not really wanting to yell or talk due to them giving me a headache.

Annabeth let go and grinned at me sheepishly as Thalia just continued to hug me. Ugh, cousins.

     Don't get me wrong! I absolutely ADORE Percy and Thalia, but sometimes their clingy-ness can be a bit... much. Even right now, Percy is hugging my legs. They just can't seem to stop. Then again, I am the youngest. I came after Nico who's older by 3 years and two months. I only call him Little Brother because he tends to look up to me more than I look up to him. I am Father's first 'pure-blood' and therefore should be much more knowledgeable. I am not, however. Speaking of.. why is Nico here anyways. He never did say why specifically, only that he was here to investigate or something.

     "Now, can someone tell me what in the titan's almighty is going on here? Because I woke up to see.." I look over to where Jasper was standing with a small but noticeable smirk. Why was he smirking?

     Anyways, I look back at them to see them looking anywhere.. everywhere but at me. I fold my arms. "Well?" I ask impatiently.

     Percy stood up. "We should probably head to the living room before we speak about what happened." Everyone nods. I sigh and shove my hand out, waving it towards the living room. "Lead the way Sea Boy."

        That caused Percy to pout and everyone to laugh. He did not like that. So, we just went to the living room where we notice the nomads on one side of the room and Sam's pack along with Carlisle on the other.

      I look at my cousin's and glare. They looked down, clearly knowing what they did wrong.

      "We are so sorry."
      "We just wanted you to sleep."

       I sigh and turn around to the groups before me. "I guess I should know what this is about. But I don't."

       Carlisle stepped forward. "Well I think we should start with introductions. I came because Jasper had left so urgently."

        Jasper nods and walks over to him. "I'm alright Carlisle."

        Carlisle nods. "Yes I can see that."

        Sam walked forward. "Who are they?" Looking over to the nomads, he glared.

       I look over to get a closer look at the nomads only to see..

      "Uncle James?"


A.N.I am sorry for the long update but here is a chapter!! Sorry it's short! I promise the next one will be longer!!

Mated to His Hater's Imprint //Twilight x Percy Jackson// - UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now