be prepared to lose ur shit

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Y/n crossed her arm over her desk, turning her head to face Miya. "I'm tired"

Miya laughed. "No shit, you came over at 3am yesterday"


"shut up"

"good morning, ladies and gentlemen"

Miya and Y/n stopped bickering as their teacher walked into the room, wearing a bright smile. she placed her books down onto her table and turned to face the rest of the class.

"Today is a very special day!" She said with a smile. "We have a new student!"

Miya and Y/n shared a look. Y/n raised her eyebrows. "do you think we'll like her?" She asked miya, her voice a whisper.

Miya shrugged.

"Come in!" the teacher, Mrs. Tobio, called to the doorway.

A girl stepped in - dressed in a cat hoodie and shorts, she looked just like miya. 

Y/n cocked her head. That hoodie. Exactly Miya's, but the colors were reversed. She snuck a glance at Miya. his eyes were widened.

"This is Luna" Mrs. Tobio told them, gesturing to the girl.

"Luna-?" Asked Miya, standing up from his seat.

Luna's cat hood fell from her head, her dark eyes meeting Miya's bright ones. She smiled. "Miya!"

"Do you two already know eachother?" Asked Mrs. Tobio. Luna nodded. "Go sit next to Mr.Chinen then" she said. She gestured to the empty seat beside Miya.

Luna nodded and headed to her seat, giving little waves to her classmates as she made her way to the back. She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her hair and turned to face miya.

"It's been so long!" She said in a hushed tone. Y/n had to lean closer to hear her words.

Miya nodded. "I can't believe you're back!" he said excitedly. Y/n wasn't sure if she was just being awfully jealous, but she didn't like his tone.

"I know right! I was so excited to come back so I could see you again!" Responded Luna. "Can we hangout this weekend?"

"Of course!" Miya chirped. "My mom'll be so happy to see you"

Yes, she definitely did not like his tone. miya's mom hated Y/n. Why did she love Luna so much? Y/n knew she was being a bitch, but she couldn't help but think of Luna as competition. Maybe Luna was a perfectly nice girl, but Y/n didn't like how comfortable and close she seemed with Miya.

"How's skating?" Luna was saying. 

"I'm in this new competition called "S" I'll bring you tonight if you want" Said Miya. Y/n saw Luna nod excitedly.

Seriously? S was their thing. She was going against him tonight, and she didn't want Luna to be there and ruin everything for them. Now she had to beat him. It wasn't like she hadn't before.

Y/n forced her gaze away. She pursed her lips, blocked out Miya and Luna's voice until class was over.


Y/n opened her bento box and spooned out a spoonful of rice, shoving it into her mouth as she scrolled through her phone. She opened a new message from Reki and quickly replied to it as Miya and Luna came to sit down in front of her. She hated how close Luna was to miya. And the way Miya didn't seem uncomfortable about it at all.

"Luna, this is Y/n" Miya smiled at Luna, than offered a smaller smile at Y/n.

Just Y/n? Nothing else? Not "my best friend" not "my girlfriend", nothing.

Luna gave a polite smile. Y/n forced one back. She stood up. "Well, i promised Mika I would eat with her today, so see you guys later" She said as she began to walk away.

She waited for Miya to ask her about why she was eating with a girl that she despised, or to ask her to sit with them instead. But no response.

"Isn't Mika the girl that was being rude to you in science?" She heard Luna say.

"Yeah" Miya replied.

"I thought Y/n was your friend?" Luna said. 

Friend? Oh, luna, you were so wrong.

"Mhm" Miya murmured.

"Well, she's being a shitty friend. What a bitch" 

Y/n wanted to drop her food and slap Luna right there and then, but she stayed silent and waited for Miya's respond.

"She's not normally like this" Was all he said. He didn't even defend her.

Y/n was boiling. She sat down next to Mika and ate another spoonful of her food.

"Everything okay?" Mika asked. "I didn't know you were going to sit with me today"

"Yeah, i'm fine" Said Y/n, eyeing Luna and Miya.

"Oh" Said Mika. "The new girl, Lana or something. I hate her. She was all over your boyfriend like a dog"

Y/n gave Mika a questioning look, then a large smile. "Boyfriend?"

"Yeah, isn't he your boyfriend?"

Y/n tilted her head. "I guess so. But he's not being much of a boyfriend right now, is he?"

Mika nodded. "Yeah, it's her fault. showering him with old memories and compliments. being their lab partner was hell. I told her to keep her hands to herself, don't worry"

Since when did Mika start being such a good friend? 

"And I told Miya to get his act together and prioritize some things over others"

So that was what Luna and Miya were talking about.

"thanks, Mika" Y/n laughed. 

Mika joined her laughter. "I hate her"

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw Miya, sending a look in her direction. Seizing the moment, she gave Mika a hug. And louder than she needed to be, she said. "Me too"

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