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The story takes place on a planet called Navi, where a race of genetically enhanced species, known as conduits migrates to the planet in order to start their own civilization. The planet Navi, is three times the size of Earth and is much more flexible and durable. The plant itself can withstand 100 meteors and 1,000 atomic bombs all hitting the planet simultaneously and would still stand intact. Once settled on Navi, Conduits began to create their own civilization within a 2-weeks span. Within weeks they're able to make one country. Within 2 months they create entire continents. Within 2 years they expanded all over the entire planet. The founder of the planet is a man that came to be known as "Father", his family is proclaimed to be the most powerful in all tribes of the Conduits. Though his family is said to be the strongest, he is a very secretive conduit who keeps his family's history private. So, if he were have had a wife and kids, no one would ever know because he made sure to erase any information that gets out about him or his tribe. He chooses what information gets leaked out to the public. He not only discovered the planet Navi, but creates a secret society known as "The Circle". Now how does this civilization create an entire planet within 2 years? Well, in retrospect, the Conduits sent drones all over the milk way galaxy in order to reference ancient civilizations and many others. These drones would snap a picture, return to Navi and begin to build and create what picture it took. Cities, towns, houses, skyscrapers, pyramids, water systems, schools, underground tunnels, and other things that the Conduits deemed useful, were all created without lifting a single finger. The conduit civilization began in a country known as Kemet which gave birth to many leaders and highly intelligent scribes and conduits. Schools were created for conduits to learn and harness their powers, to counter any threats that will try to attack Navi or kemet. 

Everything seemed to be going well, until one day, over a thousand airships landed on Navi. Who was it that landed on this planet? They soon found the answer to be humans from Earth. When the humans landed, the conduits weren't so pleased to have unfamiliar beings migrate to their home planet. In the first contact with humans, they were on guard and ready to kill anyone who was deemed a threat. But the first humans to set foot on the planet Navi' was a black man named "Muhammad" and a white man named "Jonah" the two said that they migrated to this planet to find shelter because Earth had turned into an apocalyptic wasteland and was destroyed. Jonah said that many scientists and had search vigorously to find a new planet to shelter the remaining members of society in hopes that they do not go extinct, but no one specified what had happened to cause such destruction to a planet. Muhammad and Jonah both bowed down to Father and the Circle in hope that they can be accepted into society, so they can live amongst each other in harmony. Father was not very pleased to see Earth's humans migrate to Navi, but Co-leader Victor Williams welcomed the race of humans with open arms. The human race was overcome with emotions as they finally found a planet they could live on, and call home. The humans of Earth quickly reproduced and before you knew it, Conduit and humans were living together on Navi for years. They share ideas, culture, languages, and many other things. Everything was okay until humans began to get greedy and lust for more land that could be made theirs. So, secretly the human race began to kill conduits until Father got ahold of this and took things into his own hands, and slaughtered hundreds of humans. Man, women, and children alike. Before you knew it conduits began to kill off humans, this create major tension not only in the world but in "The Circle" as well.

One day Father, and Victor gets into an internal conflict over the recent events that had occurred. This led to Victor disbanding from The Circle and making his own tribe with his wife, which was more family-based. Before you knew it "The Circle" was divided and an all-out war broke out with Victor leading one side (along with humans) and Father leading the other. For months war raged on between the two factions until one day the fighting had reached a cease-fire and Father had vanished without a trace. No one ever saw or heard of him ever again. Many speculated that he might have died in the war somehow. Many other theories were brought up but none could be proven. Even the remaining members of "The circle" itself had disappeared, wipe out of existence. Some rumor they were still around, just laying low and waiting for the right moment to strike again. Victor gained full control over Navi and its resources and put a stop to the senseless killing, arresting the humans and conduit for their war crimes and he'd started a new era of Navi civilization. Not many were too pleased with his plan, and many tribes divided and created their own cities and countries. Tension from the aftermath of the war still lingered in the air as there was a major sense of distrust in humans and Conduit. 10 years go had passed and Victor had created a new organization of his own known as dögun, a league of warriors that will combat any threat that will try to disrupt what little peace was left in the world, while also trying to build faith with other countries at the same time. Muhammad and Jonah had internal conflicts themselves during the war. Muhammad would side with Victor, to keep what little peace was left. Jonah, on the other hand, was so selfish and inconsiderate that he only sought absolute power and control over people. After the war, Jonah was exile along with his followers and was considered an outcast. Jonah would go on to create his own band of allies in order to one day seek revenge in order to tarnish and destroy Victor and his reputation. For years, this would go on until four teenagers would alter the course of both conduit and human history.

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