New friend pt 2

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this chapter DOES NOT contain smut but it does contain making out

JJ's pov

she is so sexy my god, "hey John b you haven't told her about your dad yet have you?" i ask "nope, but look ok my father was looking for the royal merchant gold right? he didn't finish his mission JJ what if he wanted me to finish what he started?" he rambles on "John b take a break from everything, please, you just found out your grandparents died and your dad went missing ok? just take a breather, we'll get on it tomorrow" i say walking back inside "wait JJ" John b calls out "ye" i say quickly turning around "can you tell Y/n, about my father.. please?" he ask " yea of course dude" i reply as i walk into the house fully. i walk down the hall to see Y/n at her fathers office which is locked. i place my hand on her shoulder and she jumps "oh my god you scared me" she smiles. i smile back " sorry cupcake, but i need to tell you something. John b has asked me to tell you." i start

"oh, ok what is it?" she asks sweetly "uh, i-" i stutter as i go speechless by her smile "well??" she giggles "sorry you're just really beautiful, um John b asked me to tell you that you're dads gone missing, it's been about 3 months" i say holding her hands her red cheeks and smile fade as she hears my words. she puts hand over her mouth and tears up. "JJ, where is my father?" she asks "i don't know Y/, I'm sorry" i say she closes her eyes and a tear falls down her cheeks. she quickly wipes it and sniffles "ok, um I'm gonna go outside and get some air, ok?" she smiles weakly "hey, why don't i show you around this place first?" i say softly, she nods and i stand up. unexpectedly she hugs me, i hug her back and softly kiss her head. she slowly pulls away and giggles sadly " you smell good" she pouts i giggle back and we walk outside and start walking "so are we gonna go past the kooks houses or something?" she asks

Y/n's pov

" if you want, just to you know get a feel of the place" JJ replies "ok well where are we at the moment?" i ask as we stop at a big white house, it's definitely a kooks house "the Camerons live here" he explains "oh ok. and who's that walking towards us?" i ask pointing at a guy with slightly blonde hair "that is Rafe Cameron. you don't wanna get into this with him lets go" JJ says as he pulls me away " Where are you two off to? and who is this fine as bitch?" he asks and he stares me up and down. "Rafe don't we're leaving" JJ says as he pulls me again but Rafe puts his hand on my waist and ass. i push him away and slap him " you don't touch me ever again" i shout as i run with JJ. we stop running when we get around 6 meters away from Rafe "are you ok?" JJ asks out of breath "ye i'm fine" i say also out of breath he walks up to me and hold my face with his hand "no, Y/n i mean actually, like are you actually ok?" he asks. i tear up and smile. i hug him tightly and cry "i tried to be strong, i'm sorry" i sob "sh sh it's ok, you don't need to hold back your tears it's ok" he pats my head and i force myself to stop crying and i pull away from him as i wipe my eyes

"ugh, sorry, i'm a mess" i laugh as i clean my face up

JJ's pov

she's so vaunrable right now but she's still so gorgeous "so are you-" she starts. but i can't take it anymore, i crash my lips onto hers and i feel her kiss back. we continue to kiss passionately for around 5 minutes when we both pull away and catch our breathe. we start walking back to John b's place as we hold hands. "so what does this mean?" she asks smiling "it means, i like you, and i would like to know if you would be interested in going on a date with me?" i ask as my thumb caresses her cheek. "i'd love to JJ Maybanks" she laughs. i kiss her once more and we continue to walk

Meanwhile back at John b" place

"what do you wanna bet that they'll end up together but we gotta do this quick cause they could be back any second" Kiara says laughing "i bet $20" Pope says as he throws $20 on the table "i bet $15" Kie smiles as she too throws money on the table. "you guys.." John b starts " come onnnn" Kie whines. John b rolls his eyes and throws $40 on the table " you can see how they look at each other it's gonna happen" John b laughs "whats gonna happen?" Y/n asks as JJ walks in with her "their betting on us. if we will or wont end up together" JJ laughs

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