Im sick of it

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Y/n's pov
I'm at the looks party. I'm being forced to wear this formal dress and heals. I hate it. "Hey gorgeous. Here" I hear my boyfriend JJ smirk as he hands me a small note. He dances away and I open it. It says "meet me in the boys change room in 5" I smile and put it in my dress pocket. I wait around with Kie by my side for a few minutes till I see Topper, Rafe and their friends go inside. Following JJ to the boys locker room where we were suppose to meet. I follow them curious as to why they were following my boyfriend. I quietly walk over to the boys locker room and open the door. As soon as I. Do that I hear Rafe and Topper talking. "I don't know why she chose you. I'm way better looking. And at least I have a future. Unlike you" I hear Topper grunt then a slap. I cover my mouth in shock as I hear he slap. "Ye well she did chose me so get over it big boy" I hear JJ laugh. Fuck. Why is he always laughing in serious situations.

I hear continuous slapping. And I knew. They were beating each other up. I ran in and jumped on Rafe's back causing him to loose his balance. Just as I was about to jump off of him he pushes himself against a locker hard causing me to hit it first. Making my head hit it hard. I fall to the floor and struggle to get up. "Leave. Him. Alone!" I yell as I punch Topper who was punching JJ. I run over to my boyfriend and I hold his face "oh my god JJ are you ok??" I ask in panic he nods and we slowly stand. "He hurt you Y/n" he starts "no no no sh sh it's fine. I'm ok. Just a minor concussion ok? I'm ok" I say holding his head In place to look at me "what a fucking slut" I hear Topper laugh. I feel JJ go to punch him but I push him back. "What's going on in here?" I hear a guard say "nothin sir he started beating us up for no reason and he's a pogue he's not suppose to be here" Rafe complains. "WHAT?" I tell at him. "Alright young man" the guard starts "no no here just here" JJ huffs as he holds his hands out "no no no no STOP. JUST FUCKING STOP" I scream loudly. Everyone turns and looks at me. JJ's eyes go wide " MY FRIENDS AND I HAVE BEEN THROUGH HELL AND BACK. WE HAVE NO GOTTEN A BREAK FROM ANYTHING OK. JJ JUST GOT ARRESTED THE OTHER DAY OK AND. I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE IM SICK OF IT. JUST LET HIM GO GIVE HIM A FUCKING BREAK. GIVE ME MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND BACK. IM SICK OF ALWAYS LOSING HIM. OK I CANT KEEP THIS UP ANORE IF YOU DONT UNCUFF HIM TIGHT NOW I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL" I scream at the top my lungs as I tear up "Alright Alright" the guard says. He uncuffs JJ and they all walk out until it's just JJ and I in the room. He looks at me sadly and I fall to the floor in tears. He runs and holds me tightly. " I just want a break. I wanna be able to hold you for more than 5 minutes I can't take it anymore" I sob.  I hug him tightly and he pulls me into his lap and hugs me tighter "I know baby. I know" he sobs

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