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This chapter DOES NOT contain smut

Y/n's pov

"Come on gorgeous lemme teach you" i hear my boyfriend JJ call out, i smile like a dork at the mention of him or the sound of his voice, the feel of his touch. I walk into the water and hold my arm out to grab his. As soon as I reach him I grip ahold of him and sit on the board. "You wanna teach me how to surf?" I ask "yes of course cupcake" he smiles, making me blush. "And if I die while learning? It's ur fault" I joke. He giggles softly and pulls me into a kiss. "i love you idiot" he laughs, i look at him and my smile drops, that's the first time he's said that, "i-" i begin "you don't have to say it back, it's too early i kno-" he starts, i kiss him roughly

"shut up idiot, i love you too" i smile, his smile grows wide and he kisses me roughly, " ok, now lets begin shall we?" he asks. i nod and laugh "ok so what you wanna do is sit like this" he begins by demonstrating how to sit on the board, i sit on the board as he showed me and he holds my waist to help me keep my balance. "ok now lay down and like push the water behind you to swim forward, once you get to the start of a wave i want you to stand up and put your arms all the way out to keep your balance", i swim towards a big wave and as JJ had said, i stand up and put my arms out, next thing i know i'm surfing my first wave. the current gets too strong and knocks me off my board dropping me into the water. "Y/N" I hear JJ call out just as my body hits the water creating a loud crash sound in my ears.

JJ's pov

"Y/N, FUCK, OH MY GOD Y/N" I run in after her, swimming towards her, i see her struggling to float and i swim faster which i didn't think was possible but i guess it is, once i reach her i grab her tightly and swim to shore. i reach the sand and lay her on the floor " Y/n, baby are you ok?" i ask panicking. she jumps into my arms hugging me tightly and crying. "i thought, i was gonna die J, i thought i was never gonna see you again, or hear your laugh, see your smile, i thought i was gonna lose you" she cries into my chest. i rub her head and hug her "you'll never lose me princess never" i sniffle "promise?" she cries "promise" i cuddle into her to comfort her more and we slowly lay down listening to the waves hit the shore soflty.

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