The last night

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❗Warning❗ mentions of: r@pe
Bf-Boyfriend (Chase)
Y/n-Your name

Bf: "So you fucking pregnant"
Y/n: "Wait the test is positive?"
Bf: "yeah so who got you fucking pregnant!?!?"
Y/n: "I don't know I've only been here with you!!"
Bf: *Grabs you throat* "don't you yell at me!"
Y/n: *Sobbing* "i-im sorry"


Your sitting at home you hear the door open "Slut I'm home" "hi babe" he walks to the kitchen and makes tea and pours you a drink and puts some kind of something to make you sleepy (Sorry i forgot what it was called it's almost 10 something and I'm tired so my brain isn't working rn anyways back to the story) he gives you the drink and you drink it and start feel dizzy so You boyfriend carrys you to the bedroom and ties you up and starts kissing your neck and that's the last thing you remember before passing out....

**End of Flashback**

**Your "Boyfriend" Throws you across the living room room and breaks both of your rib cages**

Y/n: * You crawl to your phone and call 911 and tell them that you think he broke your rib cages*
**Next thing you remember is sirens outside before passing out**

A/n: Hi guys this is my new story i'll be doing since i have school and everything I'll be updating all books on Friday's Saturday's and Sunday's Have a good day/night! (Remember to eat🍣🍤🍲🍜🍖🍗🍟🍔🍕)

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