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The way to your guys apartment was silent

A: "you have to keys right?"

Y/n: "Huh? Oh yeah here"

A: "thanks"

**you get inside and flop on the couch**

This is your living room if you forgot:

A: "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

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A: "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

Y/n: "no I'm going to take a shower"

A: "oh ok"

*while your in the shower Aidan makes some me so soup and lays a pair of sweatpants and one of his hoodies on your bed*

Y/n: "Hey Aidan?"

A: "yeah"

Y/n: "Thanks for making soup and putting a pair of sweats and your hoodie on my bed"

A: "Just helping"

Y/n: "Wanna eat some soup and watch a movie?"

A: "sure let me change really quick"

Y/n: "ok"

A:*After he changes* "What movie you wanna watch?"

Y/n: "How about we watch Nicky,Ricky,Dicky and Dawn"

A: "ok"

*you guys finish season 1*

Y/n: "imma head to bed"

A: "ok goodnight"

Y/n: "goodnight"

A/n: Hey everyone thanks for 105 reads Im really excited!! Make sure to eat today have a great day or night and love yourself for who you are!💕

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