After the recovery

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Btw your ex bf is 19 your 17 almost 18 so is Aidan (Btw the baby didn't survive)

After the recovery you go to your mom's house.....

Y/m (Your mom): "Honey come here!!"

Y/n: "yes mom?"

Y/m: "Look you need a job so you can sign up for the roll of number eight!"

Y/n: "Like for the  umbrella academy?"

Y/m: "yes"

Y/n: "ok"

**After you send the video of you acting one scene**

*A couple of minutes later you got an email saying you got the roll you screamed and told your mom and went to pack**

A/n: Sorry this chapter is short i have to study for a test plus i have alot to do today so yeah make sure to eat have a nice day/night!!

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