Aidan's Diary

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Aidan's Pov:

After she went to her room and fell asleep i turned the tv off i went to my room and got my diary out (A/n: ok idk if this seems to fast for Aidan to catch feelings or not but back to the story) Dear Diary, i met a girl she's beautiful she has this beautiful (your hair color) and these (your eye color) i could lost in them but her personally it's what I'm looking for She's perfect. That's all for now Diary thanks for listening.

Y/n's Pov:

I woke up and decided to get something to drink (this is the kitchen)

I realized that Aidan wasn't in the Living room so i went to go check his room he was writing in a DIARY!?!?

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I realized that Aidan wasn't in the Living room so i went to go check his room he was writing in a DIARY!?!?

3rd person:

Aidan quickly closed his diary and put it in his night stand and looked at Y/n "soo what was that?" Y/n questions "Ooh umm nothing nothing at all" "mhm nothing ok well goodnight Aidan" "Night y/n"

A/n: i know this chapter is short but i'll make the next one longer i'm just worried about school rn and stuff well have a lovely day or night make sure to eat and love yourself for who you are!💕💞

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