Finding out

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Y/n' Pov:

I Have to figure out what's in that diary,journal or what every it is i have to figure out what's in it i made sure Aidan was asleep he was so i grabbed his diary or whatever it is and ran to my room y/n: "Dear diary, I met this girl she's beautiful she has this beautiful (your hair color) and theses (You eye color) i could get lost in them but her personally is perfect it's what i'm looking for she's perfect. That's all for now thanks for listening." Omg Aidan likes me! I quickly ran back to his room and placed his diary under his bed and went back to my room and fell asleep.

*Next morning*

Aidan's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm 'i have work' i thought to myself welp imma go get ready ~After he got ready~ Y/n not up yet so I'll wake her up A: "wake up" Y/n: "no" A: "we have work get up" Y/n: "ok ok" she got up shooed me out of her room and got ready i made vegan coffee while she got ready Y/n: "Morning!" A: "Morning" *They walk to the studio*  Everyone said Hello and so did me and Y/n.

3rd person Pov:
Everyone said Hello to each other and went to go eat some vegan burgers "what would everyone like" the waiter asked "Vegan burgers and coke for everyone" Tom said
"Actually i would like a salad and a water with lemon please" Y/n said "Yes ma'am your order will be out in a moment" the waiter said as he walked away *once everyone got there food* "Soo Y/n did Aidan tell you anything?" Daivd question "No but i did find his diary and i might of read a page and found out he liked me" y/n said After Y/n said that Aidan almost choked on his food "Oh my gosh you like Y/n Robert was right!" Emmy said "Well maybe i do" Aidan says quietly "we all heard that Aidan" Y/n says

A/n: Heyyy beautiful people here's the next chapter hope you enjoyed it! I'll post the next part after i get outta school remember to eat for Five! Live for Klaus and ben! love yourself for Luther Diego and Allison! And not that insecure for Vanya!💕 love y'all!

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