The horror

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A: "Really i barley know her"

R: "well let's go get to know her"
(Btw your with The rest of the cast)

R: "Y/N!"

Y/n: "yes Robert?"

R: "we would like to get to know you"

Y/n: "ok?"

D: "soo fav color?"

Y/n: "Green (two of you other fav colors)"

E: "OoOooO fav animal?"

Y/n: "(Your fav animal)"

*After awhile they get to know you*

T: "what about your past life"

**you froze and thought about your ex**

A: "Y/n? Y/n!? You ok"

Y/n: "Huh?"

T: "about your past life?"

Y/n: "oh yeah ummm *You tell them about you getting r@ped* and the baby didn't survive.......but my mom helped me get threw it"

A&E: "Omg I'm so sorry that happened to you"

Everyone else: "yeah"

Y/n: "Aidan?"

A: "Yeah?"

Y/n: "can we head home?"
(Btw it's like 5:30pm now)

A: "Yeah ofc bye guys"

Y/n: "Bye guys"

Hey guys i couldn't think of a name for this chapter so i just put the horror have a nice day or night make sure to eat and love yourself for who you are!💞

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