Movie night

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As you and Aidan are walking up to your guys apartment

A: "I guess we are roommates"

Y/n: "guess so"

A: "Race you to the door"

Y/n: "Bet"

**You and Aidan start running he catches up but your a little bit faster win**

Y/n: "Hah i win!"

A: "No you cheated"

Y/n: "How is that?"

A: "I don't know let's go inside!"

Y/n: "ok!" (Btw it's night time)

The living room:

The living room:

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Your room:

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Aidan's room:

Y/n: "It's perfect!"

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Y/n: "It's perfect!"

A: "it really is.....umm what u wanna do?"

Y/n: "Movie night?"

A: "Yes! What movie tho"

Y/n: "Deadpool or the notebook?"

A: "Deadpool!"

Y/n: "ok I'll go make vegan popcorn" (Vegan popcorn is that a thing? Well it is now ig)

**Aidan starts the movie when you get back and about 50 minutes in you fall asleep**

A: "Y/n wake up" *You don't wake up so he carrys you to your room and covers you up*

Y/n: "Noo" *She pulls Aidan in the bed with you and lays her head on his chest*

**The next morning you wake up before Aidan**

Y/n: *You realize what is going on (Aidan's arm is on you waist and your head is laying on his chest)* "Aidan wake up"

A/n: Hi guys this chapter is a bit longer i have school tomorrow soo if i don't post it's because i have to get done with stufd i didn't get done make sure to eat and love yourself for who you are!💞

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