The date (pt.2)

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Aidan's Pov:

Y/n: "Fine I'll get up I'll get up!" She said while laughing "Ok go get ready we have our date today" i said laughing "Oh yeah" she replied
I got up and out of her room and made some vegan coffee

Y/n's Pov:
Shit i forgot i hade a date with Aidan What do i wear! Ummm this will do

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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Your hair:

Your makeup:

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Your makeup:

(Srry if you don't like it)

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(Srry if you don't like it)

I smell Coffee so i walk into the kitchen and get a cup of vegan coffee "You look nice" Aidan says as i turn around "Thanks!" I replied
"Hold on i'm going to change" Aidan said while running to his room I waited about 5 minutes then he walked out with this on:

I smell Coffee so i walk into the kitchen and get a cup of vegan coffee "You look nice" Aidan says as i turn around "Thanks!" I replied"Hold on i'm going to change" Aidan said while running to his room I waited about 5 minutes then he walked out w...

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I felt my cheeks get a bright pink....

A/n: I'm very very sorry for another short chapter I'll write another in a lil bit! Luv yall!💕

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