The roommate

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Taxi driver: "were will it be?"

Y/n&A: "(You pick an Apartment)"

**You and Aidan look at each other and giggle**

A: "So we live in the same apartment?"

Y/n: " I guess so"

A: "Maybe we're roommates!"

Y/n: "In you're dreams"

Your mind: "What if Aidan Ryan Gallagher is my roommate?"

A: "Well then in your dreams I'll be your roommate"

Y/n: "Very funny"

Taxi driver: "were here"

A&Y/n: "how much?"

A: "no I'll pay"*pushing your wallet back to you*

Y/n: "no i got it"

A: "no i do"

Taxi driver: "It's 4 dollars"

Y/n: "See you pay 2 dolla-"

A: "Here you go" *he hands the driver 4 dollars*

**Aidan gets out and opens your door**

Y/n: "Thanks"

A: "no problem"

**you two walk in the apartment**

Front desk lady: "What room?"

Y/n&A: "Room 219"

Y/n's mind: "Oh my god Aidan Ryan Gallagher is my roommate"

A/n: Heyy guys her is the next chapter hope you enjoy it i might do chapters in my other books or I'll Make more after I'm done with this book

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