The Date (pt.1)

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Aidan's Pov:

"What kind of research?" I asked Y/n "Ok fine my sisters found pictures of you sent them to me and i printed them out and made that"
Y/n replied "oh ok" i added Everyone party
For a bit then they left me and Y/n were to only ones there Y/n was sitting on the couch i walk over to the couch and sit down (Y/n be like Wtf anyway back to the story) "Y/n" i finally spoke "yes Aidan" she replied "Would you like to go on a date wi-" before i could finish she said "Yes i would love to"

~*The next day*~

I wake up check the time it's 10:30pm i get up get ready do my hair and put on clothes

(Like this👆🏼)  Y/n still isn't awake so went to go wake her up A: "Y/n wake up" Y/n: "Noo~" she groans A: "Yes you have to get up" Y/ n: "i don't wanna" A: "Fine" i get in bed with her and tickle her Y/n: "Aidan stop" she said while giggling A: ...

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(Like this👆🏼)  Y/n still isn't awake so went to go wake her up A: "Y/n wake up" Y/n: "Noo~" she groans A: "Yes you have to get up" Y/ n: "i don't wanna" A: "Fine" i get in bed with her and tickle her Y/n: "Aidan stop" she said while giggling A: "Not till you get up")

A/n: Hi guys sorry for yet another short chapter tomorrow I'll try to do a longer chapter have a good day or night!🍋❤

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