Chapter 19

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(No one's POV)

It was then the day of the school camp. The quintuplets arrived school and waits for the bus with their respected classes. Itsuki was happily talking with her friend until she hears the teacher calling out to her.

Teacher: Nakano. Nakano Itsuki.

Itsuki: Yes?

Teacher: Would you mind taking over the test of courage planning?

Itsuki: Eh? Isn't [Y/N]-kun and-

Itsuki realises why she was appointed to the job as she sighs. The scene changes to the Uesugi household with the voice of Isanari Uesugi yelling.

(Your POV)

Isanari: Raiha!! Are you alive!?

Isanari reaches the room Raiha was in only to see Futaro and I sitting by Raiha. Watching over her and taking care of her.

Isanari: [Y/N]... Futaro...

[Y/N]: She's still sleeping, Isanari. Keep it down.

Futaro: Yeah, you don't wanna wake her up.

Isanari: You two've been taking care of her? Wait, the bus for your school camping trip must've left already.

[Y/N]: Oh, you think? We cared so little, we totally forgot.

Futaro: Now we can study to my heart's content for the next three days.

I looked at the clothes the quints bought for us as I sighed and realised we wasted their money. I picked up my backpack and held it over my shoulder like the badass I am.

Isanari: [Y/N], Futaro, you forgot something.

I turned around and see Isanari pulling out a worn out pamphlet with a bunch of bookmarks on it. Only seeing it shocks us since it was our childhood planning.

Isanari: Sorry I couldn't get home sooner. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event. You two could still make it, couldn't you?

[Y/N]: The bus already left, didn't they? We don't really mind not going.

Suddenly, Raiha emerges from the futon and stretches her arms with a yawn. Isanari, Futaro and I backed away, shocked at how Raiha is actually feeling.

Raiha: I'm hungry.

Isanari, Futaro and [Y/N]: Eh?

Futaro: Raiha, what about your fever?

Raiha: All better! Thanks, Onii-chan and [Y/N]-onii-chan. I'm alright now. Go to school camp.

[Y/N]: Didn't I just say the bus is-

Itsuki: The bus has already left.

[Y/N]: See? She agreed with- WHY THE HECK ARE YOU HERE!?

Itsuki: I understand the situation.

She approaches me and grabs onto my hand while dragging my away.

[Y/N]: Hey!

Itsuki then looks at Futaro and grabs his backpack to drag him away as well.

Itsuku: Pardon me. I'm going to borrow these two.

Isanari and raiha: Okay.

Futaro managed to close the door behind him with his foot while I chuckled and sighed from why Itsuki was holding my hand. I decided not to point it out so she wouldn't let go.

Futaro: Where are we going, Itsuki?

Itsuki stops walking as she looks to the side getting Futaro and I to look as well. There we see the four other girls who were expecting us.

The Quintessential Quintuplets X MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now