Season 2 Chapter 1

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I was having a dream...

???: Oh! Look! We were just there! Kyoto Station!

[Y/N]: Whoa! You're right!

A dream about the day we first met.


Currently, I was in a hospital. Writing down notes I missed at school, I sighed after putting my pencil down. I look outside the window and thought about school camp.

School camp was one disaster after another. And then my mild cold turned into a full-blown flu. It all ended with me going straight to the hospital. And I get the feeling... they came to pay me a visit back then.

I start to think about it more as I let out a small chuckle and lay back down on the bed.

[Y/N]: Nah, no way.

I hear footsteps and panting as I turn to the door to see Nino who seemed to be running from something. She looks around for a moment before heading in.

[Y/N]: Nino.

Nino: There's no one else here, is there?

[Y/N]: W-What? This is my room.

Nino: What do you care? Who do you think is paying for it?

[Y/N]: It didn't have to be such a fancy single bed room. The nurses are gossiping about how I may be the hospital director's bastard son.

Nino: What did you expect? The girls thought you were going to die.

[Y/N]: Your father was the one who paid for my hospital expenses, too, wasn't he?

Nino: That's right. Which basically means we paid for them.

[Y/N]: Yikes. I didn't think anyone could be such a brat.

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head as I looked at Nino. She seemed very persistent to think she was the one who paid for it.

[Y/N]: I never thought you, of all people, would be the one to come visit me, though.

Nino: E-Eh? Y-Yeah... Shoot. I have to get going! Listen. Don't you dare tell anyone about this, alright?

She hides behind the curtain as I the hear a familiar voice. I turn around and there she is. Yotsuba. And surprisingly, she's with Futaro. Those two really are close.

Yotsuba: [Y/N]-san, have you seen Nino here?

[Y/N]: Yotsuba. Futaro.

I then hear more footsteps as Ichika and Miku come into view. Ichika waved at me as I smiled and waved back.

Ichika: Hey! I have to seen you since school camp.

Miku: How are you feeling?

[Y/N]: And the rest of you.

Futaro: I'm glad you're alive, [Y/N]. Raiha wouldn't be happy to find out you're dead.

[Y/N]: D-Don't just talk about Death so casually. Jeez. Who told you all to come.

Suddenly, Yotsuba's ribbon started moving as if a satellite has picked up on something in space.

Yotsuba: Huh. I definitely smell Nino.

Yotsuba starts sniffing around that room as I stare at her going from one place to another. I tried sniffing as well and Yotsuba's right. I can smell Nino from here.

[Y/N]: Is her BO that bad? Poor girl...

Ichika: We were surprised to see you made it though. Your temperature was as high as a record-breaking summer day.

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