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Today was just another day of you living the life of a college student. You were glad that you didn't have to go to work today, because that meant you'd get to relax after your classes.

It's not like you didn't absolutely love your job. You're a dancer, but dancing can be tiring.

Anyways, you were up extra early as always to go for your daily jog. You absolutely loved the early morning smell outside and it was nice to wake up that way. While you were jogging, someone else was too.

Kotaro Bokuto. Famous Volleyball athlete. Yet, you knew nothing of him, but many others in town did.

He enjoyed morning runs too and liked to admire the sky.

While he was looking up and you were looking around at the dewey grass, you knock straight into each other, you going face first into his strong chest. He wasn't very affected but you fall back flat on your butt. He gasps and looks down at you, blinking your eyes as you try to recover. "Oh no! I didn't see you there! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he asks, putting his hand out to you. You take it and he helps you up. "I'm okay, don't worry. It seems like you're pretty built but I didn't fall too hard, haha." you say, dusting your body and laughing it off. He watches you, analyzing the way you look.

You look back up, meeting his eyes, and cock your head, having a thought. He notices the look you were giving him and puts his own thinking on hold. "Oh do you know me?" You blink a little but were still thinking about his eyes. "Or are you a fan? I can sign something?" You snap out of it. "Huh? Oh! Sorry! I'm sorry, no. It's just, your eyes are really nice. Are those contacts?" He shakes his head and points one of his thumbs at himself. "Nope! All natural over here!" You were surprised. "And your hair too? It looks so cool!" He beams at you with a wide smile. "Thank you! It is!" You nod and smile back. "You're welcome." You glance at your watch. "It was nice meeting you.. uh?" You wait for his name. "Bokuto!" You nod. "Right, Bokuto. I'm Y/n. But I should really get going. Maybe I'll see you around on another jog or something!" You wave and jog off. He watches you for a minute, returning to his previous thoughts, but eventually gets back to his own jog.

You get home soon, and get dressed for school, nothing too special.

You get home soon, and get dressed for school, nothing too special

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After, you head to the cafe you went to everyday to get a coffee. As you were walking in to find a table like usual, a barista and his best friend were talking. "Kenma do me a favor and carry this apple pie to that table in the corner." the tall barista requests. The boy he was talking to, his best friend, was preoccupied on his gaming console and lifts the hot pie with one hand. "Who even eats apple pie this early?" the boy questions, rolling his eyes. The barista was busy making a coffee. "Uh.. I dunno. How about.. you?" The boy gets up from the counter and goes to deliver the pie. "I'm obviously the exception, Kuroo. But I better get a cut of your check." He walks off, still having most of his attention on his game. He crosses your path and accidentally smashes the pie straight into your face.

Your entire body tensed at the sudden heat and you gasp, your fists raised and clenched. Kenma's eyes went wide. "Oh.. My.. Go—" he says, but then his friend shows up, looking backwards at some other employees. By the time he turned around, it was too late. "Kenma, you're always so—" He crashes into you, spilling the hot coffee all over your chest, and then proceeds to fall on top of you. You land oddly on your ankle and shout. "Agh!" Kuroo reacts the same as Kenma had, eyes wide. "Oh My God! Are you okay?! Did you hit your head?" All the burning was making you shake. "My ankle!" Kenma tugs on Kuroo's arm. "Kuroo you're crushing her!" Tetsuro rushes to get off of you.

Kuroo's boss heard the commotion and came to see what happened. "What.. in the world.. did you two do?" he questions as he sees you. "Ma'am are you okay?" You slowly sit up and hold your ankle. Kuroo's boss looks at him. "Don't just stand there! Go get her some ice and you go get a cold cloth!" he yells at both boys, who hurry to follow directions. "Ma'am I am so sorry. Here." He hands you some napkins to wipe your face.

The boys come back and you put the ice pack over your chest and the cloth over your entire face. "You are fired! And you're banned!" Kuroo's boss yells at him and then Kenma. He looks at you. "Ma'am please don't sue us!"

You move the cloth. "I won't sue.." He lets out a sigh of relief but you continue. "If..." He takes another breath. Your hand shakes as you point at Kuroo and then Kenma. "You don't fire or ban them." The man was lost and assumes your reasoning. "Miss, I don't think they'll date you just because you save his job or keep him from getting banned." You give him a look. "Sir.." You glance at the two boys. "This isn't to say these two aren't attractive men, because they are, but I'm not saying this so they'll date me. I'm saying it because they don't deserve that kind of punishment for an accident like this. I mean, you didn't do on purpose, did you?" you ask them. They shake their heads. You look back at the boss. "Exactly." He hums. "Hm.. alright then. Kuroo you may keep your job and Kenma you aren't banned. Thank you for your mercy, miss. Kuroo, help her up and clean this mess." The boss leaves.

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