Scared Again

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The weekend went by quietly. Nothing changed. At least for you. You still weren't talking to Bokuto much, if at all.

Bright and early Monday morning. It was time to get to work. Bokuto planned to jog with you this morning, but had just missed you. You'd left earlier on purpose. He didn't know what to do. Kuroo had taken the liberty to make everyone breakfast. You, he, and Bokuto were all headed to the same place today.

On the itinerary was a debrief of the week's schedule for the volleyball team and the dance team. Kuroo would be there because, upon landing the job offer as a sports manager, he had been hired by one of the players on the team.

Akaashi and Kenma had to get to work, too. Still, everyone had time to eat together. Despite the bitter-sweet 'vacation,' you felt pretty good about the week. Finals week had always been your favorite. Adrenaline was your fuel.

You were so excited, in fact, that you beamed all about the week and it's festivities. "Oh my God! And our costumes—!" Akaashi chuckled at you and slid some tea your way. "I'm sure you won't need the caffeine, but have it anyway." You take a sip and taste it. "Mmm. You make it the best 'Kaashi. I'll have to take it with me, though. Got make it to work early!"

Kuroo wraps his arms around you from behind before you could get away. "Hey! What happened to riding together for the big day?!" You were careful not to spill your tea. "I know, but me and the team have this thing to do." He hums. "Mmm... What thing?" You laugh as he rocks you around. "Don't worry about it! I'll see you later anyway!"

He groans dramatically. "Ugh! Fine! Just be careful and text us when you're there, Babe." You freeze a little. "What did you just call me?" you question, holding onto his arms as he stopped rocking and let you go. He looked at Kenma, who looked back with a cold stare. You were waiting. Kuroo sweat drops. "Huh? Haha, I said text us when you're there safe." You nod. "Oh okay.. I thought you said—" He tickles you at your sides and blows a raspberry into the crook of your neck. "You should get going! Wouldn't want you missing your important team thing!" You laugh again and wave goodbye as you head out.

The second the door was shut and he heard your car pull out of the driveway, Kenma finally spoke. "But I'm crazy, right?" Kuroo huffs. "I never said you were crazy. I said it's nothing." Kenma crosses his arms. "Oh so your babe is nothing?! I see the way you hold her, Kuroo, and how you look at her. I'm not fucking stupid." Kuroo didn't look at him. "Kenma, it's not like that. You know she's been going through stuff." Kenma scoffs. "Oh how convenient!"

Bokuto and Akaashi look at each other and keep watching them argue.

Kuroo gives him a look. "Convenient?! She just lost her grandmother, was assaulted, and got outed to her family. Do you seriously think I would try and capitalize off of things like that?"

Kenma shrugs. "I don't know Kuroo, would you?!" Kuroo was genuinely shocked. "Wow. Kenma, you know me. Is that really what you think?!" Kenma brushes his hair back. "I don't know. Maybe it is. All I know for sure is that Y/n is a great person and she doesn't deserve you playing games with her like you do me." Kuroo's hand slaps on the counter. "I'm not playing any games! She's my friend!" Kenma matches his energy. "How are you not? One minute it's 'Kenma it's you and only you!' and then it's 'text us when you get there, BABE.' How are you going to say that you're not playing games?!"

Akaashi tries to intercept. "Guys maybe we should—" Bokuto pulls him back. "Let's just leave them be and wait outside." Hesitantly, he agrees and goes along.

Kuroo pinches his bridge. "You're being ridiculous. If I'm playing games then you are, too." Kenma furrows his eyebrows. "Me?! How am I playing games?!" Kuroo stands with his arms crossed. "Oh I don't know... How's 'blue looks good on you.' and 'you look pretty.' Hm?" He rolled his eyes. "Oh come on. A compliment or two is nothing. She's a beautiful woman, you can agree." Kuroo grabs his work bag. "Whatever. Since she's so beautiful and great, why don't you go for her then?" Kenma watches him head for the door. "If it's like that then maybe I will!" Kuroo stalls before opening the door. "...fine then." Kenma held back tears. "Fine."

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