The Save

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TW: ABUSE ⚠️⛔️

And this time, it felt like Ichiro was gonna do something even worse. But down the hall, were the four men who you were trapped with in the elevator. However, only one noticed what was happening.


He watches  Ichiro scream at you, but that's all he was doing. Watching. He didn't realize just how violent the situation was. You were terrified. "I-Ichiro stop it." He grabs you by your collar. "I'm not gonna stop until you say you're sorry!" You could barely breathe. "I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry!" He shakes his head. "You don't mean that!" You nod your head. "I do! I do! I sw-swear! Just please! L-Let me go! Let me go! Please!" You were in tears at this point. "You don't! Don't lie to me Y/n! I hate liars!"

Akaashi finally realizes that you were being choked and starts grabbing on Bokuto's arm. The owl looks at him. "Hm? Oh Akaashi, did you just want to feel my muscles?" Bokuto notices the look on Keiji's face. "Akaashi? Akaashi what's wrong?" The other two men look over. "He's hurting her Bokuto! He's really hurting her!" Akaashi takes off towards you, not exactly having a plan like he usually would. Just before he gets to you, Ichiro punches you hard enough in your face that you fall onto all fours. Akaashi pushes Ichiro back and hurries to your side. "Y/n are you okay?" Ichiro recognizes him. Before he could be of any more assistance to you, Akaashi is thrown back into the wall.

Ichiro was definitely a lot stronger than he was and he'd landed pretty roughly.

You receive a kick in the stomach and fall onto your side. "This is one of the dudes from earlier!" You wipe the blood from your lip. Ichiro keeps acting like the victim. "Are you really fucking kidding me, Y/n?! Is he supposed to be your knight in shining armor? Huh?!" He goes to kick you again but gets pinned to the wall by someone bigger and stronger than him.


The look in his eyes was incredibly scary. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to hit women?" Ichiro couldn't even move. That's how tight Bokuto's grip was. "Mine did. Men like you don't even deserve to be called men. All you are is a bitch." Kenma and Kuroo were on the floor helping you and Akaashi as Bokuto beat Ichiro's ass. Finally, there came a point where Kuroo had to yank Bokuto off of Ichiro, which gave him time to run. "And stay the hell away from her!" Bokuto yells after him. He turns to you and hands you a water he was carrying with him while he also looks at the bruise on your cheek and cut on your lip. "Are you okay?" You silently nod. "Has he hit you before?" You nod and look away as you take a sip of the water. Kuroo sighs. "I'm sorry you had to deal with a boyfriend like that." You clear your throat. "He wasn't my boyfriend." Kenma raises a brow. "Then why the heck was he so upset?" You shake your head. "I don't even know what's wrong with him.." Bokuto and Kuroo help you off the floor. "Are you okay, Akaashi?" Bokuto asks. He nods. "I'm fine. No scratches or anything." Kuroo touches your shoulder. "Hopefully he won't be back and if he is, we'll be around." You look down. "Thank you.."

Kenma checks the time. "Guys, I know this is kinda important but we're going to miss the train." You look up. "Oh.. I could drive you home."

They look at you. "Hm.. okay well where do you live?" Akaashi asks. "Chaco street." you reply. Bokuto's eyes brighten. "Oh wow! We live like a block from there!" You gesture to them all. "You guys all live together? I forgot to ask, how do you know each other anyway?" Kenma answers the first question. "I live with Kuroo. And Bokuto and Akaashi live together." Kuroo answers the second question. "I've known Kenma since I was eight, and we met these two in high school." You nod. "Oh okay.. cool. We should probably get going now." You wipe your nose on your sleeve and lead them to your car. They all pile in and Akaashi is the first to say anything. "Your car is really nice." You adjust your mirrors. "Thank you. Where are we heading first?" Kenma gives you the directions to their houses.

Timeskip to after you drop them all off.

"BYE Y/N! SEE YA AROUND!" Bokuto yells, walking backwards towards their door. You laugh a little and wave at him. Akaashi facepalms. "Bye Y/n. Drive safely." You get yourself home and into bed, thinking on the day's events.

Rise and shine the next day, you skip your morning jog to go to the store instead, which when Bokuto didn't bump into you jogging, he added it to his list of things to tell his friends about. You got all the boys small thank yous from the store with little cards that said "Thx for the save! :)" You went to school and just hoped you'd run into them sometime during the school day.

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