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You wipe your tears and whip around, putting on a fake smile.

"Hey Ken! I'm great. Just thought I'd get some air! It's so—" He interrupts you. "No need to lie." You act confused. "What? Why would I—" "I saw you inside, wiping your eyes when you thought no one would notice. And I've been standing here for a minute before saying anything."

You couldn't get yourself out of this one.

He strolls over to a bench and sits, then watches you expectantly. "Come come." With a sigh, you follow his lead. It was quiet as you stared down at your lap. "You don't have to look at me. But if you want to talk, I'll listen," he says.

You tap your feet against the concrete, hesitant. "I... I'm not okay." He throws his hands up. "Wow. Shocker." You give him a look and he pats your leg. "The first step to recovery is acceptance, I guess." You roll your eyes. He nudges you. "Okay Okay, Sorry. What's wrong? Your mom and sister?" You nod and lay your head on his shoulder. "I'm just- They just- I don't even know what I'm doing out here. They are the way they are, I should know that better than anyone. I'm just..." Kenma completes the sentence. "Hurt?"

You ponder on the situation in quiet for a second. Lifting your head, you look at him with a part deflated smile. "I'm just sensitive is all." He watches you stand. "What? Y/n no you-" "Let's head back in, hm?" Kenma catches your wrist before you got too far away. "Wait."

You sigh and face him as he joins you standing. "You're not being sensitive. You're allowed to feel hurt, especially because it's your own mother and sister. I don't understand how they could even—" You press one finger to your lips and he pauses, watching you shake your head. "It's just how things are. Can't help it." you insist, shrugging.

A murmur of voices behind you fills the silence. Bokuto's voice stands out. "Kenma, Y/n! We're going!" The two of you exchange one final glance and head into the van with the others.

You stared out the window at the stars on the drive back, wondering if any of them were your grandmother. She'd been on your mind since Chiyo and your mother started up.

Soon enough, everyone was socializing back at the hotel. The men talked about sports, the women gossiped about things in the media. You floated around, not having much to say, but you were glad the boys seemed to be enjoying their time, except Kenma, who kept stealing looks at you to assure himself you were doing alright.

"Y/n! Make yourself useful and pour me another drink." your mother demands. You grab her cup without a word and do as she says. Kenma followed to the kitchen. "She didn't even say please." You shrug again without a word and slip passed him out of the kitchen. He watches you go as Kuroo comes in.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Kuroo asks. Kenma shakes his head and sighs. "It's Y/n. Her mom and Chiyo are being really bitter and she's taking every shot." He cups his face. "Ah, Kenma. You worry so much. If she says she's fine, don't push too hard. Let her come to you if she really needs help." He lets go. "They shouldn't treat her like that. Even so, we're not apart of this family. So we don't know how things work. It's best to go off Y/n's word." Kenma wasn't sure, but pushed the matter away from his thoughts for now.

To your relief, the function wrapped up soon and you were able to go back to your own hotel and treat yourself to a steamy shower. You let your stress melt away. It was too much for you to focus on at the moment.

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