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Kuroo puts your arm around his neck and his arm around your midsection, helping you into a nearby chair. "I am really so sorry." You shake your head. "I can tell. Don't worry. Could I maybe get a coffee and a muffin when you have the chance?" He nods. "Ofcourse. I'll get right on that." He gets the order in and comes back to clean the floor. "They're working on it." You nod. "Thanks."

You glance at Kenma. He hadn't said anything, but you don't mention it.

Another employee comes while Kuroo was mopping the floor and gives you your food. "Is your ankle alright?" Kenma asks, finally breaking his silence. You nod. "Mhm. I think I just landed on it funny. It should be fine though. Good thing, I thought my career might've been over." Kuroo looks at you. "Career?" You nod and swallow some muffin. "Mhm. I'm a dancer so I sort of need these bad boys, haha." you joke, wiggling your ankles. Kuroo looks around for his boss and leans in just so you and Kenma could hear. "Don't tell anyone but, I applied for this sports managing job and I'm really hoping I get it so I can quit here." You nod and smile. "Oh cool. I hope that works out for you." He smiles back. "Thanks. Sorry about your shirt too, by the way." You shrug. "It's alright. I was probably gonna end up wearing a hoodie all day anyway."

You check the time on your phone. "But it looks like I've got to go." You get up, taking your coffee with you. "Oh you probably caught our names but I'm Kuroo and this is Kenma." Tetsuro says. You nod your head and point at yourself. "Y/n. Take care. Maybe I'll see you around." You exit the shop and go back to your car, putting on your hoodie and driving to school.


"Kenma you didn't even apologize. That's rude." Kuroo scolds. Kenma shrugs. "She didn't seem to mind. Anyways, isn't your shift over now?" Kuroo nods and takes off his apron. "Yeah. Hm. I wonder if that girl goes to our school?" he thinks out loud. Kenma gets up from his chair. "If she already has a career then probably not. I'll be waiting in the car." He leaves the shop to find Kuroo's car.

Later on, you'd gotten passed your first class. Your next was on a different floor and you were headed to the elevator, yet were still suspicious because you expected to have seen a certain someone by now. Your suspicion clears when you get a text. "Ichiro." The name read. "Hey babe <3 Ik u probs miss me at school! I overslept 😅 Cya soon!" You shut your phone off, not replying. Anyways, you thought you'd be alone on the elevator but it stops a few times and as more people got on, you put on your hood and isolated into a corner. Soon, you were left with four boys and you were all going to the same place. But then the elevator stops. One of your biggest fears.

"Uh oh boys. I think we're stuck?" one guy says. You recognize him, Kuroo. "Obviously genius." Someone else says, Kenma. "Oh no! What if we die?!" It was Bokuto. Another boy was there. "We aren't going to die Bokuto. Kuroo just hit that button so they know we're stuck." It was Akaashi. You'd never interacted but you knew he was in your modern literature class and also your english class.

Kuroo presses the button but it felt loose. "I don't think this button works... Maybe let's try our phones?" None of them had service. They look at you. You felt slightly intimidated, despite having met them all before, and deepen your voice. "No service." you croak. In an instant Akaashi knew you were a girl. "Al..right.. I'm sure they'll find us soon. We won't die." Akaashi assures everyone. You sit in the corner, head to your knees.

Time passes but no one comes.

"Hm.. most people are in classes right now." Kuroo says. "They'll never find us! We're gonna die!" Bokuto worries. Akaashi sighs. "Calm down. Tell me about your day so far."

Bokuto starts rambling and it helped distract him. They all listen to him. Then he gets to a certain part that peaked your interest. "Ooo and when I was jogging, I bumped into this girl and she fell. But she was super pretty, just like you Akaashi! Like really pretty! So pretty I was staring at her as she left! And she said my eyes were nice and my hair was cool! She was so nice!" Akaashi nods. "That's good Bokuto. Did you say sorry?" Bokuto thinks. "I can't remember..." Akaashi sighs. "Then you most likely didn't. If you see her again, make sure to apologize." Kuroo was patting Kenma's head to keep him calm. "Don't worry Kenma. We'll be fine." Kenma doesn't say anything but nods. Bokuto keeps talking about you. "She was seriously really pretty though. Maybe she's a model. And she didn't recognize me either which was even cooler! And she had nice hair too. And her smile and laugh too. Maybe I'll see her again and we can be friends!" he beams. Akaashi nods. "Maybe you can."

The elevator shifts and you panic, letting out a girlish squeak. Kenma looks at you from the corner opposite of yours. "I'm scared too, but you scream like a girl." You take off your hood. "Well that would make sense, considering that's what I am." They all manage to recognize you. "Y/n?" You scratch your head. "What a coincidence, huh?"

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