Complicated & Cozy

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Soon, all four boys were back in the living room with you. You were warm in some blankets and drinking the tea Akaashi made you. "Thank you guys so much. This is all really sweet of you." They all smile at you. "Ofcourse, Y/n. That's what friends are for!" Bokuto beams. Kuroo grabs the remote. "Movie?" he asks. Everyone nods. He starts looking for one but you point at the TV. "Ooo that one is really funny." He chooses it. "This one it is, then."

You guys get through about half of the movie. You'd finished your tea long ago and were feeling sleepy. Your eyes shut and your head falls onto Akaashi's shoulder. He'd been reading and looks over at you. "I knew she was tired." he says, making the others aware of your slumber.

"We'll go get dinner now then." Kuroo says, getting up off another couch. Bokuto gets up with him. "Burgers and fries or Ramen bowls?" he asks. "Burgers and fries sound good." Kenma says. Kuroo grabs his keys. "You have to come too. Y/n did the stuff for her new phone off of yours so you have to come with us to pick it up." Kenma groans. "Ugh fine but you have to get me a milkshake." Kuroo rolls his eyes. "Fine." Kenma tests his luck. "And monster." Kuroo messes up his hair. "Don't push it." They were soon out the door.

Akaashi makes a small movement but it makes your head slip. He turned to catch you and your head landed on his chest. He didn't want to wake you. So, he slowly leaned backwards on the couch and pulled you to lay comfortably on top of him. You stir a little but don't wake up, and instead cuddle his body. He smiles a little and places his hand on your head to stroke it. "You weren't all that comfortable laying on me the other way, hm?" You snuggle your face into his chest and peacefully snooze. He gets back to his book and shuts off the TV.

About thirty minutes later, you start waking up. You  feel an arm around you and a body under you. You sit up to see who you were laying on. "Omg Akaashi." You cover your mouth. "I'm so sorry. Let me get up." He shakes his head and grabs your arm, pulling you back down. "I didn't mind. I know you're tired. The boys went to get dinner and pick up your phone. They probably won't be back for a little bit so you could lay back down and rest until they come back." You hesitate. "Are you sure? I'm not like crushing you?" He laughs a little. "I'm positive. You couldn't crush me if you tried." His small smile reassured you. "Okay.." you say, giving in. You lay back down on his chest. "Feel free to get comfortable. How you were before." he tells you. You relax a little and adjust on top of him, closing your eyes again. "Better right?" he asks, rubbing your back again. You hum. "Mhm.. Thank you.." Within two minutes, you fell asleep again.

Another twenty minutes pass and the boys return, with some guests. There was, once again, Hinata, Kageyama, Sakusa, and Atsumu. They heard you were found and thought to come over for dinner. Bokuto watches you and Akaashi on the couch. "Aw. She must really be tired." Kuroo puts the food down. "Yeah but she needs to eat something."

Sakusa looks at you. "Wait.. Bokuto. I thought you and Akaashi were.. you know?" Akaashi puts his book down and places a hand in your hair and the other on your back. "Yeah we are but..." Bokuto finishes his thought. "We also aren't.. at least not officially." He hears you mutter nonsense in your sleep. "But I don't mind Y/n anyways! She's awesome!" His volume made you start waking up.

"Bokuto, shh, you're gonna wake her." Akaashi warns. Kenma shrugs. "She has to get up anyway." You sit up and yawn. "Oh.. hey guys." Your eyes were a little puffier since you'd just been asleep. "How come everybody's here?" you ask.

Hinata laughs. "Haha Y/n, you sound like a witch." Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, and Kenma all stare at him with the most serious expressions. He hides behind Kageyama. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" You calm them down. "Guys relax. Hinata, someone tried to strangle me, so I sound weird. Pl-Plus I just woke up." His eyes widen. "Strangle you? What in the heck happened?" Kags slaps his head. "Boke. You can't just ask that." You adjust on the couch. "Perks of being assaulted in my own home!" You give an unenthusiastic thumbs up. Akaashi puts a hand on your knee. "But she doesn't want to talk about it. So let's just eat."

They all take their seats. You watch them all socialize while you eat, not having much to add to the conversation.

Kuroo notices how quiet you are and sits next to you, putting his arm around you. "You're doing okay right now, right?" he whispers in your ear. You nod your head. "Mhm. I'm okay." He rubs your shoulder. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'll get it for you." He was looking into your eyes and had his hand on your leg. He spoke very softly and quietly so only you'd hear. Your faces were fairly close and once he realized that, he blushed lightly. "Okay?" he asks again. You slowly start nodding. "Um. Y-Yeah.. Thanks Kuroo. It m-means a lot." He smiles. "Ofcourse, Y/n. You know how much I care about you." He settles next to you and keeps his arm around you as he keeps talking.

You have the urge to use the bathroom so you get yourself there on your crutches.

While you were gone, Hinata says what was on his mind. "So Kenma.." Ken looks at him. "Yeah Shoyo?" Hinata glances at Kuroo. "I thought you and Kuroo were together?" Both guys blush. "It's just sort of complicated..." Kenma says. Kuroo nods. "Yeah.. we're like Bokuto and Akaashi."

Atsumu nods. "I was thinking that. Since you and Y/n looked pretty cozy a minute ago." Kenma hadn't noticed. "What? What do you mean?"

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