Omg They Were Roomates

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You were super excited. "You guys are awesome and I don't want you to feel pressured to give me an answer right now. My grandma left me her house. So I was wondering.. do you guys wanna be roommates?"

Bokuto immediately perks up. "Really? Are you serious?!" You match his energy. "Ofcourse I'm serious! The house is huge and there's plenty of room for all of you!" Kuroo thinks. "Are you sure?" You nod up and down quickly. "Yes! I'm 100% sure!"

Akaashi was trying to decide. "Hm.. It does sound like a good idea." You smile. "Course it does! Think about it! A huge rent cut, plenty of room, a private pool, it's like amazing!" He laughs at your enthusiasm.

You have a thought. "Oh hey! I meant to ask, what do you guys do for work again? Obviously I know Bokuto plays volleyball. Kuroo, I think you said you're a sports manager?" He hums and nods to confirm. You gesture to Kenma and Akaashi. "But you two?"

Kenma doesn't answer yet. "How much are you charging us each for rent?" You hadn't remembered that question. "Nothing! I wasn't planning on asking for that! My grandparents built the house together years ago before my grandpa passed so they owned it and now I do."

Kuroo furrows his brows. "Well what about utilities?" You shake your head. "Don't worry about that. It's covered." Akaashi doesn't let it go. "Y/n, we aren't just gonna let you pay for everything." You smile and laugh. "No I mean my grandma had this system set up where money from an account she had would automatically be wired to pay for the utilities monthly." You have another thought. "Ooo but I do have to sign a few papers to make it continue. They'll mail them over soon. And don't worry. There's 113,633,000 yen ($1M) in the account, if not more."

They seem satisfied with that answer. "So anyways. I'm a Youtuber. I do gaming. Makes a good amount of money. And I'm the CEO of a sports ball company." Ken tells you. You nod. "That's so cool! Must not be too stressful!" Akaashi goes next. "I'm an editor for a manga company but manga isn't all I edit."

You rest your head in your hands. "Ooo that explains a lot! Anyway! I already made you keys because I was excited! The house is about 20 minutes away from here. I'll text the address and you guys can move in whenever you'd like!" you beam at them. Bokuto beams back. "Awesome! Thanks for thinking of us Y/n."

You pat his head as you get up. "Don't even mention it! I'll catch you later, though. My step-mom wants me home for dinner." Kenma looks up from his phone. "Aren't you gonna be going to the new house?" You shake your head. "I wish. My mother wants me to stay with them for the rest of the week. Only three more days. Should be fine.."

You didn't sound so sure of yourself.

"Hey, do you maybe want help moving your stuff in, then? That way we can all move in the same day and do everything together." Kuroo suggests. You think with a hand on your hip. "Uh.. yeah. That sounds perfect actually. My mom won't be around either. So yeah, just text me on Saturday whenever you guys are ready." They all nod and you say your goodbyes, heading back to your parents'.

But on your way home, you have an epiphany. "Ah shoot!" You hurry and call Akaashi, hoping they were all still together. "Hello?" he says. You could hear the other three in the background. "Hey 'Kaashi! I forgot to ask if any of you have animal allergies?" He puts you on speaker and repeats your question to the guys. "Nah I don't." Kuroo says. "Nope." Bokuto says. "I don't have any." Kenma says. "Me either. Why do you ask? Did you want to get a pet?" Akaashi asks. You hum. "Well I already have a four year old border collie. His name is fluffy." He nods. "Ah okay. None of us are allergic." "Okay thanks! I'm gonna go now. I'm driving." "Bye!" they all say.

A few days later, it was time to go. You still had your old car, but went and got the new one so there was more space to move everyone's things. So, adding Kuroo and Akaashi's cars, that made four cars to carry everyone's things. You'd all think about furniture later on.

Unlocking the door to your new home, you let everyone inside. "Wow. It's huge." Akaashi says. "That's what she said." Bokuto giggles. You laugh and watch Akaashi scold him. "She must've had a couple more things done. I haven't seen a lot of these things before." you say, walking around.

Kenma was looking around from where he was stood at the doorway. "We should at least get our things in the garage before we go explore." Everyone goes and gets their things to the garage and then regroups in the kitchen.

"So, Y/n since this is your house—" You cut Kuroo off. "Our." He laughs a little. "Okay Okay. But you should get first pick for your room." You nod. "Ooo okay! Let's go see!"

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