Dinner Talk

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Out of the guys, only Bokuto was able to figure out which car was yours. As you approach the drivers seat, you notice how tall Sakusa is. "Hey Bokuto. Maybe Saku should ride shotgun since he's taller." You see him frown. "Aww but I wanted to sit with you!" You laugh a little. "Don't worry, you can still control the music." That was good enough for him and he cheerfully sat in the middle row. Hinata convinces Atsumu to sit in the back and he and Kags sit next to Bokuto.

The car ride is filled more with sing a longs instead of conversation but it was still a good vibe.

You pull up to Akaashi and Bokuto's place. "Here's your stop." you say, backing up the driveway. They start getting out. "Aren't you coming?!" Bokuto asks. You shake your head. "Nah. I'll just pick up some food on my way home." He frowns. "Aw! But I'm sure there's enough food for you!" You pat his head through the car window. "Maybe, but Akaashi didn't invite me. I don't want to intrude." He was still pouting but his smile soon returns. "I'll bring you some leftovers at school then! Bye!" He skips off down the driveway with the others. Sakusa waves at you. "Maybe we can catch up sometime?" You nod and smile. "Sure! I'll see you around!"

Once they were out of the way, you start pulling out of the parking spot. Inside, Bo goes to whine to Keiji. "Aghaashi!! Why didn't you invite Y/n to dinner? Now she's gonna go eat alone at home!" Akaashi stops what he was doing. "Crap. I meant to invite her when I was on the phone with her earlier but it totally slipped my mind!" Kuroo looks over from where he was on the couch. "Maybe she's still outside?" Bokuto's face lights up. "Oh yeah!" He zooms outside and the others follow him.

You hadn't drove off yet. You start towards the end of the driveway but then see Bokuto run in front of your car. You slam on the breaks and all of the pressure from your body makes the horn go off. Bokuto starts waving his hands around as if you hadn't seen him already. "Y/N! WAIT!" You open the car door and step out. "Bokuto are you out of your mind?!" you question at the same time as Akaashi. You glance at him before turning back to Bokuto. "Go on, Bokuto. Tell me why you just ran in front of my car." you say. He comes closer as he explains. "WELL because Akaashi said he just forgot to invite you! So you're not intruding! Stay for dinner!" he insists, grabbing your hands. You facepalm. "And you couldn't text me that because...?" He rubs his neck. "Oops. I guess I got too excited." You shake your head and turn around. "I'm sorry I forgot your invite, Y/n.  You're more than welcome to stay for dinner." Akaashi says. You smile and dust his shoulder off. "Ah it's no biggie Akaashi! Just let me park." After you park your car, you make your way inside with them.

You all sit at the table while Kenma helps Akaashi bring the food over. Bokuto notices your shoes. "Y/n have you been wearing your heels all this time?" You look at them. "Hm? Oh yeah. I had a work event before I came to get you." He gasps. "Wow so you work in your heels AND drive in them too?! You're so cool!" You laugh a little. "It's just practice!"

Atsumu was curious. "You wear heels at work? So you have an office job?" You shake your head. "Nope! I'm a dancer and I wear heels when I perform sometimes." You notice that Hinata's eyes widen but don't think about it long enough to question it. "Oh so little Miss Y/n really did it, huh?" Sakusa says. Kenma wasn't following. "What do you mean?" Saku explains. "Me and Y/n met in high school. But even before then, she was all about dance. And now she's a dancer. So you make good money, huh?" You nod. "Yeah I'd like to think so." He hums. "What percent of what I make would you say you make?" You shrug. "I mean who's to say I don't make more than you do?" Kags comes up with a solution. "Just google it and compare salaries."

You pull out your phone and search for how much volleyball players earn then show the guys. "Is this roughly it?" They all nod. "Yeah now search yours." Atsumu says and you do then show them. "I make this." Bokuto gasps. "You make more than us?!" You laugh a little. "It's not even a 350 grand difference! According to my calculator, you make 92% of what I do." He was still amazed. "WOMEN ARE AWESOME!" The whole table laughs.

Your phone starts vibrating. "Oh one second, excuse me." You get up from the table and walk a little further away. It was your Dad calling. "Hey Dad. What's up?" "Hi honey. I've got some bad news about your grandma." You let out a sigh. "Okay..what is it?" He tries to tell you in the softest way possible. "She's in the hospital again.." You shut your eyes. "Okay.. she's still here. I'll go see her tomorrow." He hums. "Mhm. Alright. What are you up to?" You tap on your leg. "Those friends I told you about invited me over for dinner tonight. That Sakusa guy from high school apparently knows them." He was happy you were socializing. "That's great, honey. I'll let you get back to it. Bye now." "Bye Dad." You take a breather in the hallway, trying to calm yourself down after hearing the bad news. You were trying not to cry but it sucked. She'd been in and out of the hospital all year. Akaashi was still setting the food on the table and sees you covering your face in the hallway.

•Hm.. she doesn't look okay.• he thinks.

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