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You throw yourself against the door to keep it from opening. Kuroo lets up a little when he realizes. "Y/n move, you know I'm stronger." You don't listen and instead keep pushing back. Kuroo puts more pressure and you feel the door opening more. You give up and grab a towel in efforts to cover yourself.

The door swings open all the way, and there you were.

A white towel over your legs and your back against the bath tub as you looked up at them from the floor.

It was obvious what was going on.

The towel ended up messily thrown over your lap. It wasn't all white anymore. Splotches of red couldn't go overlooked and you desperately tried to hide them.

Kenma slowly comes closer and drops to his knees, peeking under the towel. More red appears and he notices the disassembled razor on the floor next to you, and a blade in your hand. He sees the panic settle as tears bead in your eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay.."

You start shaking your head. "No.. no.. No.." He tries to make you let go of the blade. Your hand grips it tighter. "Leave, Kenma. I want.. I just want to be alone." He fights you for it. "Y/n, let it go. Let it go. Just open your- Agh!" You gasp.

A dark line of red stretches across his palm.

"Fuck! Fuck! I'm sorry! I'm so- God! Oh my God!" He tries to calm you down. "Listen, listen, it's okay. I know it was an accident." You still weren't hearing him and instead scan your surroundings.

The other three stood paralyzed at the door, shocked. "Y/n..." Kuroo says. You cry more. "I- I didn't mean to hurt him, or you, any of you! I swear, I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry!" Kenma looks behind him.

He gets up and nudges them back from the door. "Go, go, I got her." Akaashi tries to object. "Kenma but she's—"

"I know. I got her. Just trust me, I got her." Exchanging glances, the boys comply and Kenma swings the door to a crack.

He returns to you, who started to understand that they'd all seen you. You begin to cry harder and start apologizing, trying to get Kenma to go away.

"I'm so sorry, Ken. You weren't— None of you were supposed to see..." You break into sobs. He tries to move the towel but you didn't want him to get close. "No.. Please go.. Please.." You were backed into the corner between the wall and the bath. He tries to hold your hand but you were still hysterical.

"It's— *hiccup* it's bad enough! You've all gone through enough for me! Akaashi nearly killed a man, and y-you *hiccup* all put yourselves at risk to save me, and- and—" He hushes you. "And we chose to.. because we care. And we love you."

You keep shaking your head, feeling terrible. "Go.. You should *hiccup* go.. It'd be better."

He cups your face to get you to focus on him. "Hey listen to me. I am not leaving you. I'm not going anywhere until we make sure you're okay. You hear me?" You're quiet for a second, sniffling tears.

He goes for the towel again and this time, you don't stop him. It was worse than you realized through your foggy vision.

Two long, deep cuts on each thigh.

He gently wipes away blood from your thighs, only to notice you'd gone farther than just there. He sees a couple cuts on your sides and your arms as well, only not so deep.

You try to keep yourself from crying as he talks to you. "Can you breathe?" he asks. You try to take a deep breath. "I- It's a little hard.." He nods as he pats blood away from other areas, but there was still some flowing. He holds one of your hands and puts it to his chest, taking deep breaths for you to copy.

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