Verkaufte Seele | Harem V |🌃

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Heya quick information!
Since i wanna expose my ass off
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It's called Lara Yamaguchi. And yes i make
Gacha's. Now let's get into the chapter :)

No one's Pov

Bad got out from quackity's room quickly. He puts both of his hands to cover his red face. He was running through the quiet hallway but suddenly he bumped into someone. He fell to the grown and looked back up to see who he bumped into. It was Lara and Mae. Lara handed a hand to bad for bad to get up. Bad grabbed the hand to stand up and quickly bowed and apologised to the both of them.

L- Why were you running?
M- Actually yeah. Why were you running?
B- I- Uhm- I-

Suddenly bad's face turned redder than before and kinda made Mae worried. Mae looked at Lara and Lara just shrugged not knowing if bad is sick or not but pretty sure not. Both of them looked at eachother then at bad. Mae asked bad once again what happened and why was he running. Bad responded saying that it's nothing. Mae and Lara didn't really believed that but shrugged it off. Bad noticed that Lara doesn't have a mark on her neck. He looked at Lara's face with confusion on his face and asked

B- Lara, Why don't you have a mark on your neck?

Lara was surprised by the question that bad asked without her knowing either to lie or not because well.. marks can get taken away if you use to much powers on it. Mae knew bad would ask this in any day but why now? Before Lara could answer Mae said

M- I-Its nothing a big deal! She just uhm- cover it up! Yeah!
B- Oh. What does her marks looks like?
M- Her marks used to have a crown sword with little white wings attached to it.
B- Oooo! May i see it?
L- Your to cool to see it.

Lara said while putting both of her hands in the pockets and said

L- Come on Mae. We have to stop the fighting shit in the hallway. It's gonna take a long time to do shit again.
M- UghHhHh Again???
L- Yeah. Sucks to sucks it's that pig bitch and that diamond ass.

When Lara said that Bad immediately remember about it. Bad was about to say something until Mae and Lara just ran past him to stop the fight before it gets worse. Bad followed them from behind. When they arrived Mae quickly kicked skeppy in the nuts while Lara wrapped a scarf on techno (y'know how aizawa from my hero academia has that? Yeah that shit) Skeppy was on the ground in pain while techno tried to escale the scarf. Bad was hiding behind one of the pillars in the hallway watching what Mae and Lara were doing.

L- You little shits.
M- Skeppy this is your own fucking hotel and you want it to be ruined now?
L- Eyo did you just swo-
M- That's not important!
S- Well it's not my fault that that pig bitch is trying to kill the SHIT OUT OF ME!!
L- SHUT! Didn't you guys used to be best friends?
M- With Quackity too! What happened to you three? Why the hell did you three became enemies?!

Techno and skeppy Stood there quiet not answering the question that they got. Both Mae and Lara heard a "Tch" coming from both mouths. Bad was still hiding with a shock face. Not only Techno is enemy with Quackity but Skeppy too? That wasn't an expecting thing actually. It was pretty surprising knowing that the owner were also enemies with Quackity. Bad quietly run away from the scene before getting caught. He went in to the elevator and pressed the down button to go down to the main floor. After he arrived he went to the employee's office and went straight away to Pathetic.

B- Path!!
P- Hmm? Oh hey Bad. Whats up?
B- Can i ask you a question?
P- Go on and hit me with it.
B- Is it true that Quackity,Skeppy and Technoblade used to be friends?
P- Wha- How do you know about this?
B- That's not important right now! Just tell me please!
P- *sigh* alright alright. So apparently the three of them used to go to a school together and has been friends for 8-10 years. I don't know what thing made them three fight but all i know is that it's something stupid.

Bad was shocked hearing about this information. Before he could thanked Path for the information Lemon spoke.

Le- Hey Path. I heard that Mae is gonna throw a sleepover again.
P- My answer is n-
Le- Were kidnapping him again but this time i'm pretty sure we'll success since we have two new friends that will be joining.
P- As long as i don't suffer alone i'm down.
Le- pfftz Lame.
P- I SWEAR TO F- ugh. Whatever. Anyways. Bad i need you to send this to Wilbur's room again if you don't mind?
B- Oh- Uhm. Yeah. I don't mind.

Pathetic handed bad a suitcase without knowing whats inside. But atleast he knows that it's not bombs. Bad grabbed the suitcase from pathetic's hands and went out from the employee's room. Went to the elevator as usual and press the up button. After for s few minutes he finally arrived at the floor where Wilbur room was. He went to Wilbur's room and knocked on the door. No answers. He knocked again. No answers. He tried to open the room and surprise surprise the door wasn't locked. He went in and tried to not make any single noises. He put the suitcase on the bed and turned around and suddenly bumped into someone. It was Wilbur in a towel. Wilbur was basically only covering the half of his body meaning the chest was shown. Bad became red when he noticed that he bumped into Wilbur's chest. Wilbur crouched down to the same height level as bad and asked

W- Why are you here cutie?
B- W-Well I- uhm- I- i was delivering your suitcase-
W- Oh. The suitcase! Thanks bad.
B- W-Well i got to go now-
W- Awwe so soon? Why don't we have a little fun?
B- U-Uhm-

Wilbur stopped crouching and pinned bad to the wall. Bad face was turning redder. (Pretend that bad closed the door stfu) Wilbur went to kiss bad's lips. Bad wasn't expecting that and tired to escape the taller man but couldn't. Basically they were kissing for 3-5 minutes and finally Wilbur broke the kiss while the string of saliva was coming from the both of they're mouths.

W- Well that was fun. Here's a tip for that.
B- W-Wha-

Wilbur gave 500 bucks just for that and made bad surprised. He tried to give it bad but Wilbur told him to keep it. Bad fibally agreed on taking the money and left the room. His face was still red on what just happened.

Done :)

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