Soothalo vs Dreamhalo Highschool

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I have no idea's for titles anymore help 😭 okay anyways i haven't done a highschool au enough so let's do Soothalo vs Dreamhalo because Yes. For those Techhalo lovers if you want a Techhalo highschool go fuck yourself cause if you want it give me a title. Okay anyways enjoy 💁‍♀️

Bad's pov

I was walking down the hallway to my locker because it was time period. As i was walking i saw my brother talking to his tall friend. I went up to them because why not.

B- Hey guys!
P- Hey Bad.
To- YOO! Boobieboyhalo!
B- Language!
To- UhUhUhu "LaNgUaG-"

Before Tommy could finish his stupid mockings Purpled slap his head and got mad at him while Tommy was there faking cry because he got hit by his friend. I giggled but then noticed that they both have matching bracelets. Tommy has Purple and Purpled has Red. It was so cute for them to match. I was still hearing how Purpled was yelling at Tommy but then i saw someone really tall with a beanie. We looked at eachother and made an eye contact.

P- Bad? Who are you staring at?

Purpled asked me and I quickly shake my head and replied to him.

B- N-Nothing! I just zoned out a little!
P- Ah.. okay.. anyways me and Tommy are gonna go now. Cya bro.
B- Cya Purpled!

Both Tommy and Purpled walked off and when i noticed the guy that was tall was gone. I shrugged it off and went back to walking to my locker to put my books away so i could go to lunch.

Wilbur's pov

I was putting back my books and my jacket in my locker when suddenly i turned around and saw this short guy. We made i contact and i sorta blushed. Gladly he didn't notice the blush. We eyed eachother for a little bit until one of his friends called out for his name.

?- "Bad? Who are you staring at?"

And with that i closed my locker and ran to the cafeteria. I saw my friends that were sitting at the table. I grabbed my lunch and then sit with them.

W- Yo guys! What's up?
T- Eh nothing much.. Just Tommy won't stop talking about this "Purpled" dude.
To- HEY!! He's my friend!
W- Well i saw a cute short guy today at the lockers.
To- OoooOooO describe him!
W- Uh.. Brown hair,emerald looking beautiful eyes and he's like idk 5'0-5'5 short?
T- Ah him. That's Badboyhalo. And also yeah he's short.
To- I heard that one of the popular guys like him!
W- Wha- Who?!
T- Damn someone's in jealousy inlove.
W- Fuck off Tech!
To- Hmm what's his name again.. oh yeah! Dream!
W- Ugh.. my biggest enemy..
T- What if i like him?

Techno asked me. I turner around and glared at him deadly in his eyes. He didn't really cared but then opened his mouth.

T- Chill out i don't like him. (Yet 😏)
W- Better not..

Me still glaring at Techno but he doesn't seem scared because he is the "blood god". Goddammit why Dream.

Bad's pov

I was eating at my table alone since my brother was with his friend called "Eryn" he was a pretty nice guy even offered me to sit with them but i denied since i like eating alone. As i was eating i felt like somebody was touching my shoulders. I looked behind me and saw the popular guy called Dream! I freaked out a little.

B- WhA-Uh- Hi!
D- Hello there~ Why are you sitting alone here?
B- W-Well uh- i like sitting alone at l-lunch!
D- Hmm seems boring. Why don't you come and eat at my table?~

He grabbed my chin making me blush.

B- U-Uh- it's fine! I'm good! Thanks!
D- Oh come on cutie~ it'll be fun.. it's kinda boring with my friends anyways..

Dream admitted. I sighed and agreed to sit with him. Purpled overheard the convo and got a mad face on his face. Eryn said that it'll be fine for me but i guess Purpled was to overprotective he didn't listen but didn't go to me and Dream anyways. I was walking with the popular guy! Oh my goodness! Do i look good? What if i don't have the same persona? O-Or-

D- You do know you don't need to freak out about anything right? Also sit down we're at the table!
B- O-Oh! Thank you!
G- OooOO who's this cutie?

The other popular guy named George asked. I blushed at what nickname he gave me but i saw Dream glaring at him. George laughed and said to Dream that it was a joke and there's nothing for him to worried about. I smiled but Dream was still glaring at George's eyes making George uncomfortable. What's worse could happen..?

Hah. Maybe i'll add Techno to this ship. Alright bye

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