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Haha.. patheticommunist  YOU THINK I WILL DO THE THING YOU WANT FIRST? HELL NO! I'll do the one that you want on my Techhalo book. No enjoy this chap

Goodboyhalo's pov

I woke up from my sleep and got up from bed and started to walk to the bathroom to go shower. After that i got dressed up and was ready to get out from my dorm room until i forgot that there's a simp who was waiting for me.. His name is Bladenotech or Anti-Techno.

GH- Ugh.. Why do you keep waiting for me?
B- U-Uh- w-well i just thought we were friends and I wanted to do friends stuffs!
GH- 'Why does it hurt when he said that were friends..?'
GB- W-Whatever! Come on!
B- R-Right!!

I walked past Blade while he follows me from behind. Why does he simps for me anyways? I'm just a fucking asshole who destroys people's life especially orphans..

GH- Wha- oh shit almost passed my class

That giggle.. it's adorable.. W-WHAT AM I SAYING?! NO NON INONONON!! I'm not into this scaredy-cat. He's a stupid guy anyways.
We walked into out class and sat beside eachother. I would've sat with Nightmare but he was flirting with George so hell no.

BH-So... D-Do you wanna talk about something?
GH-Hah? Well yeah i wanna talk about how disgusting Nightmare and George are right now.
BH-Pft.. Well i mean aren't they dating?
GH-Yeah but Nightmare is fucking annoying. I swear i won't hesitate to kick his ugly ass
BH-Ahahahahha! Anyways.. do you wanna have lunch with me later?
GH-Sure.. i have no one anyways.

The teacher came in the class and greeted us. If Bad was in my class he would probably greet her back. Disgusting. The teacher told us to do our recent homework that hasn't got finish well to bad to sad i already finished everything so i don't need to do shits. I was minding my own business until someone knocked on the class door

Te- Yes? Oh hello Bad!
B- Hello! I'm just here to call Good!
Te- Ah i almost forgot you were brothers! Halo please go to your brother.
GH- ugh.

I got up from my seat to go towards my brother Bad. He told me to follow him outside the class. 'What's so important anyways.. Bladenotech is more import- NO!' I thought to myself

B- So.. you know Technoblade right? Bladenotech's brother.
GH- Uh yeah? What's up?
B- So i know this isn't really important but is it okay if i date Techno?
GH- excuse me?
B- I-Is it okay if I-
GH- Does he makes you happy?
B- Yeah he does..
GH- Then yeah sure. But if he does anything i will fucking kill him
B- Hey language!
GH- Whatever. Just make sure not to make out.
B- Yeah yeah.. that's all! Have fun with Bladenotech! I heard that he liked you~

I blushed and smacked Bad's head making him whimper a little. We both went back to our class. I was kinda still blushing and kinda hoping it's tru- NO GOOD! STOP IT! I sat back at my seat and just started to do what i was doing.

BH- U-Uh Halo..?
GH- Hmm?
BH- Do you wanna hang out after lunch with me later?
GH- Whatever sure..
BH- Awesome!

I saw him smiled happily. God what the hell did i do to be friends with him.

~Timeskip after school~

Me and Bladenotech went to the park and now we are sitting on the swings. I saw both Techno and Bad also was coming here. I saw Bad and then started to wave at me and Bladenotech.

B- Guys!!! Hi!!!

Bad was running up to me and Bladenotech while Techno followed him from behind. Bad hugged me with his short ass. (Bad is 5'3 and Good is 5'5)

B- Are you guys on a date too??

I yelled at him while my face was red. Bad laughed and Techno said that Bladenotech face was also red like a tomato. Both Techno and Bad were laughing at us.

T- Wait i think we need to go buy some ice cream. We'll come back later
GH- Don't make out with my brother you asshole
T- I'm not going to chill out..

Both Bad and Techno walked to the ice cream shop to buy some ice cream. When suddenly...

BH- H-Hey uh.. Halo..?
GH- Yeah?
BH- I- I need to tell you something..
GH- What is it..?
BH- I.. I like you!!no not like you.. I love you!

I blushed at the confession that blade just did.. he- he does likes me..?

GH- I- I like you too..

I looked away from Blade. I'm guessing he's shocked right now. Suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised at first but the enjoyed the kiss. I put my hands around his neck. After for a fee minutes we broke the kiss panting for air.

GH- Y-You dork! I hate you! Dork!
BH- I guess that's an i love you! I love you too Halo!

I blushed looking at him smile. And then i heard clapping and cheering

T- Pft don't get me even started with Blade. He literally had a crush on Good ever since he saw him.
B- Hahahahhah!

Me and Bad yelled at eachother from afar while the other two just laughed and giggled.. we were just eating ice cream that Techno and Bad bought. And of course they're flirting 🙄. I looked over at Blade seeing him eat his ice cream peacefully..

BH- You okay?
GH- Y-Yeah! Of course i am you dork!
BH- I'm your dork <3
GH- ... Yeah.. your my dork.

End <3

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