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i have motivations + karlhalo + tips how to be an author or whateves

enjoy it while it last

no ones pov-

Karl woke up feeling sick as ever. groaning out of pain but knowing he has to get back to work of looking around the universe and earth making sure no one was doing something that isn't according to his 'future' book.

Karl could smell the wonderful goodies of breakfast in the kitchen that he knows his fiancé is working on. that has already plastered a small smile on the used to be frowning face. he got up and stretch his body out before going out to the kitchen to see Bad done cooking.

"Morning muffin!"

"morning fluffy.."

Karl sat on the chair as Bad put his breakfast on the table.

"oh Karl dear you seem a bit.. pale.. are you alright..?"

"hm..? i'm feeling okay baby no need to worry about me.."

"i don't believe a word you say! you're never pale-er than i am!"

"is that skin shaming?"


Karl chuckled at the little panic his fiancé had. Bad put his palms onto Karl's warm forehead and felt the hotness. Bad hissed at the hotness that fled onto his hand.

"Karl! you're burning hot!!"

"Wow really? i'm hot for you darling~" Karl chuckled getting a little flick on his forehead.

"not in that silly way Karl! you have a fever! how many times have i told you? don't work late overnight! i know i know your job is important and all but Karl baby health isn't something we can buy or purchase! it's something we need to take care for!"

"i'm sorry Bad.. work has just been so stressful i could see so many things happening that i couldn't really take care of myself.."

Bad sighed and told Karl to eat his breakfast and go straight to bed. Karl groaned but agreed to it not wanting to get scold by Bad again. the younger ate his breakfast and after he was done he washed the dishes and went towards his and Bad shared bedroom.

laying down on the bed when Bad then came into the room with a tray of medicines and a normal water. Karl smiled softly and wondered how he could have such a beautiful,thoughtful and caring husband. Bad took a spoonful of medicine and handed the spoon towards Karl's mouth.

"say' Aaaaa~'"

Karl opened his mouth gladly being fed by his husband. and immediately drinking the water not wanting to taste the disgusting mint feeling. Bad only chuckled and put the tray aside on the side table. Bad leaned down and kissed Karl on the forehead before he started to leave.

Karl stopped him immediately and pulled Bad into the covers and cuddled him.

"Ah! Karl you muffinhead! what are you thinking!"

"cuddling you.."

"Karl, i have to meet up with Dream and the others.."

"who cares about them! they only want you there so they could take you away from me!"

Bad chuckled at Karl's words.

"so this is what you are like when you're sick hm~? such a baby muffin! alright alright i'll tell them i won't be coming!"

and with that they cuddled the whole day..


Hey,yeah hi! like i said in the previous
chapter i will be only updating IF i
have motivations and right now i do.
Now for the tips.

How to be a good author & writer -

1. let your hands/finger do the job.
seriously let them do it. i swear to
you that i didn't even think about
doing this and my hands worked
on their own.

2. find books that could inspire
you as a writer

3. make sure to not literally be
stupid enough to make a very
long paragraph for a pov. it'll
just annoy people and hurt
their eyes.

4. novels.

thats all bye

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