Chapter 10 - The Turks. (Player: Reno)

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After the fight was over and Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj left, Vincent and Aerith came downstairs and helped Cloud and Tifa fix the door. After a few minutes, the door opened and two familiar figures walked in. Reno and Rude of the Turks.

"Hey there." Reno said, smirking.

"Hey Reno. Hi Rude." Tifa said, not paying attention at all.

"We came for some drinks." Reno said. "I'll have the usual. What about you, Rude?"

"Whiskey." Rude said. "Two for me. I'm buying for my friend, YourOpinionIsTrash."

"Who?" Cloud asked.

"Someone he got mad at many years ago for swearing in the second grade." Reno said as Rude backhanded him.

"OK." Tifa said. "One tequila for Reno, and two whiskeys for Rude. Just give me a few minutes, boys. Your drinks will be ready soon."

"Oh, hey Aerith." Reno said, immediately stopping after he said that. "Wait, Aerith? Didn't you die?"

"Well," Aerith said. "I was kept alive by Kadaj, one of the three remnants of Sephiroth in the Forgotten Capital. Vincent fell down a hole and found me there."

"Hmm." Rude said. "Interesting."

After a few minutes, Tifa finished the drinks and passed them to Reno and Rude. Reno passed Tifa 40 Gil and started drinking, and Rude also drank his first bottle, holding the second one as he walked out of the bar. Reno followed shortly after, saying something before he left.

"Hey Cloud." Reno said. "Have you seen Tseng and Elena recently? They left on a recon mission two days ago, and we haven't seen them since."

"Can't say I have, Reno." Cloud replied as Reno sighed.

"Welp. Now Rufus can't say I didn't try." Reno said, leaving.

Cloud tried to stop Reno, but he wouldn't stop. Cloud sighed and sat down at the counter.

"What did he mean by 'Rufus can't say he didn't try'?" Cloud said as everyone went back to chatting. Little did they know what would happen next...

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