You’ve spent a while meeting everyone and telling them about you and Jutrox and our past together.. Now you and Sollux, holding hands.. walk to where you met on meteor.
Jiskat and Sollux
CM: sollux.. i’d love to st@y @nd c@tc# up with you..
CM: but b@ck in my session
CM: me @nd Jutrox still #@ve to defe@t J@ck.
CM: once were done, i promise t#@t i’ll come b@ck @nd tell you everything @bout our p@st
TA: okay Jii2kat.
CM: c@ll me k@t
CM: t#@ts w#@t you used to c@ll me
TA: okay
TA: 2ee you later kat
CM: see y@
==>Jiskat: Go back to your own session
You open another opening into the void and fly in. You fly a little ways to where you first entered the void, but it’s hard to tell. You open an exit and fly out.
Jiskat and Jutrox
FC: Jiskat!
FC: it’s about tim£ you got ba€k
FC: what did you s££?
CM: well.. um
CM: i, kind@ entered @not#er session.
FC: wait
FC: what?
CM: ye@#, i w@s @ble to go into sollux’s session
FC: r£ally?!
FC: so you got to s££ him again?
CM: not ex@ctly..
CM: #e couldnt remember me
CM: none of t#em remember us
CM: bec@use @lterni@ w@s never @ctu@lly destroyed
CM: just in ours, @nd t#eir timeline
CM: by t#em opening up @ session
CM: they bec@me t#e @lph@ timeline, w#ic# we were origin@lly @p@rt of
CM: everyone lost t#eir memories of us @nd w#en we opened up @ session..
CM: everyone we still knew, died wit# @lterni@
Jutrox stands there dumbfounded
CM: so none of t#em remember us…
FC: w£ll, €an you tak£ m£ th£r£?
FC: i want to s££ th£m all again too
CM: sure, but t#ey’re not going to remember you
FC: i know.. i und£erstand..
==>Jiskat: take Jutrox to the other session
You open up another portal and grab Jutrox’s hand to take her into the void with you. After entering the void, you and Jutrox fly over to the other opening, which thankfully did not close yet..
In the other session, everything is different. The lights are dimmer than what they were.. They’re flickering as well.. it’s giving an ominous and scary tone than what it was when you first were here..
But how could anything change, you were only gone for a few minutes.. hours because of being in the void, time travels differently and it takes longer than it seems.
FC: wh£r£ is £v£rybody?
CM: idk..
==>Jiskat and Jutrox: investigate
You guys split up because you both have different people to find. You are heading off to go find Sollux.. but you don’t know where Jutrox is going..
why don’t you find out?
==>Jiskat: be Jutrox.
You are now Jutrox. You are heading off to go find your friend… your second closet friend that you would be Moirails with if it weren’t for him being Moirails with Karkat, and it didn’t coerce your beliefs on Trollian customs.
You walk down a hallway and find an appearifier.. it’s not hooked up to anything though.. so you wonder where it leads.. luckily you have experience in the field of fixing and building things. You build robots that are half animals for gog’s sake! Anyways.. you hook up the appearifier and it still doesn’t say where it leads.. guess you might as well find out. You step on the pad and appearify your way to wherever it leads.
It leads you into a spare room full of junk! The first thing you notice though is your friend’s blood! No, not Jiskat.. you would go insane if someone had killed her. No, it’s Gamzee’s.. Grape colored Purple blood.. You follow the trail up some stairs.. Once you reach the top.. You accidentally knock over a huge pile of horns blocking the stairway.. You hope nobody uses that appearifier that broke when you used it to get into the room.. that would be bad..
You continue to follow the trail of blood and it leads you right to a huge jar of Sopor slime.. and a dead Equius.. and a dead Nepeta. Oh god.. this is getting really intense.. You actually feel that you might be scared for once.. this is a new emotion to you.. You’ve always been more emotionally stronger than Jiskat..
TC: honk
You shake and slowly turn around.
There.. standing right infront of you.. Gamzee.
He’s different though.. he has 3 scratches across his face and two bloody clubs in his hands. Oh god… no.. no. no. no. no. no.
He swings a club at you. Everything goes black.
Homestuck Adventures: The Mage of Void and The Thief of Doom
FanfictionHAIIIIII this is just another homestuck fanfiction... it includes mine and my best friend's fantrolls and fankid. I will try to update as much as i can and not leave big long gaps.. but sorry, it can't be done... bluh. i came up with a story for the...