D2. A5. C26

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JUTROX: so Vyhmin..
VYHMIN: y£s?
JUTROX: i'd lik£ to um.. know mor£ about you.. i m£an i'v£ only r£ad about you in your journals from wh£n you w£r£ old£r..
VYHMIN: w£ll... okay. so m£ and N£f£ri play£d Sgrub lik£ you guys.. w£ w£r£ suppos£d to hav£ anoth£r play£r though.. and basi€ally w£ lost. but b£for£ w£ w£r£ d£stroy£d i us£d my god ti£r pow£rs to off both m£ and N£f£ri h£r£.

Vyhmin wraps h£r arm around Neferi. Who is her Moirail.

NEFERI: #Heh.. i think its quite funny that both Aanien's and both Mienin's are Moirails..
NEFERI: #Jutrox and Jiskat. and Vyhmin and me.
BETH: yeah.. but now that we are here.. theres literally nothing to do.. we've all done everything and i dont know about you but i dont want to stay a ghost forever...
???: Um, hello?

We all turn towards where the unfamiler voice comes from.

???: Hi.. My name is Jasper Persei.
JASPER: I couldn't help but notice that I found other trolls..
JASPER: I think I can help with your guy's dilemma.
JISKAT: W#@t do you me@n?
JASPER: Well, I um.. as you can see.. I'm not a ghost.

It's true. Jasper's eyes are not ghostly white like ours.

JASPER: My friends and I are just a few dreambubbles away if you'd like to come with me.
JASPER: We actually are all still alive because of me.

Everyone looks at Jasper puzzled. However; we all reluctantly stand up to follow him.

BETH: um.. excuse me Jasper but before we go can we get the rest of us?

He smiles at Beth as she pulls out her phone. You look over her shoulder at her phone to see that she's group pestering her friends.

coverLaureate opened group pesterlog HM, IT, and SS.

CL: Guys! where are you!?

horifyingMusictrash joined group.

slickSlayer joined group.

HM: Well Brea is still passed out and mick and i are right here...
SS: Hi!
CL: well you guys get over to my bubble now..
HM: Why...?
CL: because a new troll showed up.. he says he has a plan to get out of these bubbles..
SS: really?!
CL: yes! so get your asses over here including drunkie
HM: and how do you propose we get her drunk ass over there?
CL: um.. carry her?
HM: ugh.. fine. see you in a bit.
SS: bye bye!

coverLaureate closed group.

Turns out they were not that far away.. and made it here within five minutes. d'aww Matt is carring his soporfied matesprit.. :)

JASPER: Okay, do we have everybody?
JUTROX: y£s.
JASPER: Alright well in order for you guys to come where i came from.. I'll have to do this one at a time.
JASPER: Also I need your bodies..
NEFERI: #Wait.. what are you gonna do?
JASPER: I have to revive you of course.
JISKAT: well t#en i guess its @ good t#ing i s@ved t#em.
JUTROX: you did? should i b£ worri£d about this..?
JISKAT: ps##.. no. i u#.. #e#.. just kept t#em in t#e #unger trunk.

Jutrox facepalms. You uncaptchalogue the Hunger trunk from your puzzle modus.

BETH: thats kinda wierd kat...
JASPER: Thank you. I'm going to take this back to Meteor and soon you'll join us..
VHYMIN: you dont hav£ min£ and N£f£ri's bodi£s..
NEFERI: #Of course she doesnt. duh i do.
NEFERI: #I froze them as well..

Neferi retrieves a bubble from her puzzle modus. Then she pops it and there lie both her's and Vhymin's bodies.
Jasper throws the bodies in the hunger trunk with the others and then captchalogues the hunger trunk then with a flash of orange and green he's gone.

Homestuck Adventures: The Mage of Void and The Thief of DoomWhere stories live. Discover now