Chapter 3

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"Zarin! Don't do that!" Harry scolded before he could even see him. 

His childhood friend Zarin was probably the most annoying creature to have ever existed. 

"Can't you arrive as a normal human being?" He asked, turning to him. 

He stood leaning against the wall next to Harry's bed with his hands in his pockets. Slowly, a sly smile made its way to his lips upon seeing Harry irritated. That was what he liked to do, after all. 

"Except I am not a normal human being." He reminded. 

Ignoring him, he continued. "We are not children anymore. You can't come here as you please. You know I'm not comfortable. "

Zarin looked around, pretending to be surprised. "And who said that?"

Fuming with irritation, Harry threw a pillow on him and he missed, which made Zarin chuckle. 

Zarin continued to tease. 

Harry had lost count on how many times he had wanted to kill him. He lived to annoy Harry, but without him, Harry's childhood would have felt so lonely. But what could he do? He couldn't love him without hating him. 

"Just leave! I need to sleep." He said lying down on his bed, facing the other side. 

Harry could hear him sigh. "I thought... maybe you wanted someone to talk to?"

"About what?" Harry asked curiously. 

"About you getting married." 

"I am not getting married." He muttered. 

"You have to, someday soon. "

Why was he adding salt to Harry"s wounds? 

Pushing himself up in a sitting position, Harry looked at him for a moment.

"Are you happy that I have to get married?" Harry asked. 

"Only if you are happy with it," Zarin replied. 

"Well, I am not." 

"You just have to find the right person." He persuaded. 

"I don't think I ever will as long as I am locked in here, which means that I, eventually, will have to get married to someone I don't like, share a bed with him, let him touch me, give him children and …."

"Relax." Zarin cut off. "Take a breath."

He was panicking and squirming inside. Harry finally said what he had been keeping inside, but there was more. 

"You won't have to marry anyone you don't like," Zarin assured sitting at the corner of his bed. 

"You don't know that." Harry's voice almost broke. No, he would not cry. "I am a prince. I have a duty. I will put everyone in a difficult situation if I don't fulfill my duties." 

"Hell with duties. Your parents love you. They won't let you sacrifice yourself." He explained. 

That was the problem. They would sacrifice themselves instead, and Harry didn't want them to. 

"You are right," Harry said at the end. Zarin wouldn't understand, anyway. "Where is Gina?" He asked, changing the topic. 

Gina was Zarins little sister and his only other friend. 

"Probably in some corner, reading a book." 

Gina was just like her mother. Who would think the famous warrior princess Klara loved to read during her free time? Harry had once even received books as a gift from her. 

He loved to read as well, but not as much as Gina. That girl could get so lost in a book she wouldn't know whether it was morning or night. 

"All right, I need to sleep now. I have early training tomorrow." 

Zarin stood up before turning to him. He watched Harry silently for a moment. 

"Are you sleeping well these days?" He asked. 

Did he know? 

"Yes. Why?" 

He shrugged his shoulders. "Just heard some things." He said. 

"What did you hear?" Harry asked curiously. 

"That you wake up screaming sometimes. Is it true?"

Harry didn't want to tell him the truth, yet. "I just have bad dreams sometimes." 

He nodded. "All right, then. Good night." 

Just when he was about to leave Harry changed his mind.


Zarin stopped in his tracks. 

"Can you stay here tonight?" Harry asked. 

His eyes widened. 

"I don't mean like that." He hurried to explain. "I just… have really bad nightmares. If you could just stay tonight?" He gave him a pleading look. 

The truth was, Harry wanted to know whether the man in his dreams only stayed in his dreams or out of it as well. 

"Well," He scratched his head awkwardly. "All right. Just tonight." He agreed. 

"Thank you." Harry smiled at him before tugging himself into sleep. 

Zarin sat on the sofa in Harry's room before dimming the lights with a thought.

Harry closed his eye, feeling safer, and eventually, he fell into a deep slumber.

When Harry woke up, it was still dark. For some odd reason, the window was open and the chilly air came into the room. Harry got out of bed to close the window when he took notice of Zarin sleeping on the sofa. 

He felt bad for asking him to stay, so after shutting the window he took one of his blankets to cover Zarin. Just as he was about to put the blank on him he grabbed Harry's wrist. Startled, Harry looked at his hand. It was cold, oddly pale, and slender, despite the hard grip. Shaken, Harry lifted his gaze to see his face. 

It was him. The Hazel-eyes stranger. The one who caused Harry to have many sleepless nights. 

He tugged at Harry's arm so he fell on top of him; Harry's face getting dangerously close to his. For the first time, he could see him. 

"Remember me." He whispered


On a Journey To Find Love. [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now