Chapter 4

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Harry shot his beautiful green eyes open. He looked around quickly, especially the sofa. Zarin was still sitting there, resting with eyes closed. 

So it was all a dream. He had come, but only in Harry's dream. This time Harry didn't wake up scared. He was just......curious. 

Why did he ask Harry to remember him? 

Did he exist?

That would be terrifying. 

Who was he? And what did he want from Harry?

"Did you sleep well?" Suddenly Zarin stood next to his bed. 

Harry sat up on the bed and adjusted his long curly hair quickly. "Yes. Thanks to you." 

"Good, I'll take my leave then."

Harry gave him a nod, feeling a bit strange that he let him stay in his room at night. It was very inappropriate for an unmarried person to let such a thing happen. People would start talking if they knew. 

Zarin left before Harry's handmaidens came to help him get dressed. This time Harry didn't wear any Royal cloaks and tunic. It would be trousers because he would fight the famous warrior princess and Zarins mother, Klara.

After dressing and getting his curly hair braided, he made his way to the castle's backyard. He knew he was early since nobody was there yet. Harry took his sword and started practicing by himself. His mother had made him practice from a very young age. 

"I don't want you to be like me. I want you to be strong, confident, and independent." That is what his mother told him. 

Harry knew his mother didn't have a good upbringing. She wasn't raised to be strong or independent. She was raised to be frail and submissive. But circumstances taught her to be strong and brave. Besides circumstances, she had her one and only friend Princess Klara to teach her a few things, like swordsmanship and politics. Still, sometimes his mother would join their fighting lessons and learn a few tricks herself. 

"Good morning, Prince" It was Princess Klara coming from afar with her daughter and my friend Gina trailing behind. 

Harry had always admired princess Klara and had wanted to be like her. She was a woman who walked with such grace and confidence and had an aura that demanded respect. Not to speak of her beauty, she was a woman who turned heads. Her husband Roshan wasn't any less good-looking. He was alluring in his dark way. You would find yourself drawn to him, yet you would want to keep a distance. But Harry liked him a lot. He was fun to be around and always full of sarcasm. 

"Good morning Princess Klara, good morning Gina." Harry greeted. 

His friend Gina was very cheerful, unlike her mother, and mischievous like her father. She hurried and gave him a tight hug. "We have a lot to talk about" She whispered in Harry's ear. 

Harry already knew what Gina wanted to talk about. She wanted to know if Harry had found a man. She would be disappointed to hear the news. 

As for the fighting lesson, Princess Klara was disappointed with him after the lesson ended. 

"What happened?" She asked, concerned. "You are not focusing today. Are you ill?" 

On a Journey To Find Love. [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now