Chapter 7

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Harry was surprised to find Gina in his room once he was back from his trip with his father. Zarin must have told her about the marriage thing. Harry hoped that this wouldn't change anything in their friendship. 

Gina was reading a book while waiting, as usual. She probably didn't even realize that Harry had arrived. 

"Hello," Harry called, throwing himself on the bed next to his friend.

"Oh," Gina looked up from her book. "You are here." She smiled, putting the book aside. "Where were you?"

"Father took me out for a while." 

"And where did you go last night?" Gina wiggled her eyebrows. 

"So you know?" 

"I do know. So tell me. Did you meet anyone interesting?" Gina leaned in, curious to know. 

Harry shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Demons hate witches." 

"But they love a beautiful man and you are stunning, my friend. Just look at you." She encouraged. "Once they see you, they won't care about anything else."

"I am not sure about that." 

"You should be. Listen, tonight we will go out again. I'll prove it to you." 

Harry didn't protest. Gina was too stubborn to deny. Besides, a part of him still had hoped to meet someone. Maybe he would meet the Hazel-eyes stranger again. 

When the night came and the palace became quiet because everyone was asleep, Gina came to his room. Gina was already stunning, she didn't do much to her appearance. She wore a plain blue v neck dress and her black hair was braided and attached to her head like a crown. Her blue-green eyes were surrounded by thick dark lashes and she had added some color to her pale cheeks. Gina looked innocent when smiling but when being serious her sharp facial features gave her a very elegant aristocratic look.

"So... "She said twirling. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful." Harry smiled 

"Thank you. I didn't do much even though but It's the first time we are going to a party together." 

That was true. 

"Now. What have you decided to wear?" She asked. 

"I don't know what's appropriate." Harry wondered. 

"Come, let's see what you have." 

Gina picked a check shirt and black t-shirt with some black jeans for him "This will look stunning on you." She explained. 

Without questioning his friend's choice, Harry slid into the clothes. It looked amazing on him. Harry doesn't usually wear casual clothes, so it was a might awkward but he liked how it looks on him.  

When he was done, Gina helped him put some balm on his lips and blush on his cheeks, and since none of them were good with hair, they just let his hair down with a bandana wrapped around.

Gina took a step back to take a good look at Harry. "Good Lord. You are going to provoke some demons tonight." She smiled, satisfied. 

On a Journey To Find Love. [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now