The Sweet Taste of Flesh.

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An olive eyed boy around the age of 18 slowly walks with his orange haired buddy towards a seemingly busy café. Olive eyes could feel the lenses of cameras on him but he didn't care for it, he knew it was for the greater good. He said to his friend, " Hide-kun, I have been thinking about what you said the other day about the use of these cameras in the 20th ward but don't you think that it's actually safer with them", Hide replied-" I just think it's invading our privacy", Olive eyes sharply retorted-"What privacy?! You're the one in public, your already giving up your privacy when you came out of the house. Besides what do you care? You don't even have a girlfriend.", Hide said with a snide tone-" Right right, your the one with a girl in your life, I bet your still day dreaming about that chick, heheh", Hide chuckled at the sight of olive eyes' bright red face, a silence then ensued between them, then Hide spoke in a serious tone" But seriously Kaneki-kun, there's something about this that doesn't feel right to me, it feels weird to be watched at almost all times, you know?", Kaneki replied with a sigh -" No Hide I don't but still-". Their conversation was cut short when Kaneki walked into a pole. Hide burst into laughter and then helped Kaneki up. Kaneki- "ha ha, so what it happens to everyone", Hide- " Suurree". Laughing Hide and Kaneki walked into the café called Anteiku. Immediately Kaneki found a seat for them by the window. As soon as they sat down Kaneki saw his crush walk in. She saw him and smiled. Kaneki turned a shade of maroon. He turned his head when she walked past him and sat at a close seat to hide his face from her sight. Soon a waitress walked over and cutely asked for their orders, she blushed when Hide asked her if she was not 'involved' with someone. She would be the next best looking woman if it wasn't for 'her'.
A few weeks passed and Kaneki started hanging out with her more , her name was Rize and it had turned out she loved Takatsuki Sen's writing and she seemed very nice and kind of into him.

One day when they had finished their coffee they got up to leave when Kaneki saw that the clock had struck 10 in the night, he got worried as he had heard about some ghoul killings in the nearby area, something about a binge-eater. So he gathered up his courage and he asked her if he could accompany her to her home, she first refused it but when Kaneki started becoming insistent she caved in and allowed him. When they walked on the street Kaneki could tell that she didn't feel comfortable about the droids and the cameras. He laughed in his mind, ' I guess there are more people like Hide' he asked her if she felt uncomfortable but she just shook her head, soon they reached a fork in the road and turned to the right side. Kaneki spotted a familiar face and recognized the waitress from before, Touka was her name wasn't it?, but Kaneki just figured she lived in the area. They passed them and continued forward.

Touka thought it was a shame the human was about to get eaten as he seemed innocent and she had wondered if she could set him up with Yoriko.

Kaneki and Rize went through a hole in the wall ,as she had said it was a shortcut, into a construction site. The cold night wind and the moon's uncanny low brightness made this a more fear- inducing night than a romantic one. Kaneki felt uncomfortable but he could only guess how she felt, scared maybe, ' I bet she's clutching her pepper spray hoping I didn't turn out like that, Wait. She didn't have a bag right or any overcoat or any thing with pockets except her small clutch which is laying on the ground, weird, but, what's she holding on to?

She turned around abruptly. Her eyes red and black, veins visible around her eyes, then she pulled him close and said - " I really did like you Kaneki-kun, men like you are hard to find, you it's your sweet scent that did it for me, those damn droids made it almost impossible for me to taste your kind I mean I had to go to the 11th ward to get satisfied but that will make it much more enjoyable to eat you and feel the sweet taste of your flesh." , she sank her teeth into his neck's base and pulled out his flesh, like an impossibly lucky reaction, his leg acted out and pushed off of her stomach and pushed her away, his flesh still in her mouth. He had been too shocked to have done anything but now he was in motion, he had a fighting chance, he gripped his neck and started to run away, he saw some droids scanning the area but she was almost upon him, as she closed in he heard two distinct sounds of Dominators being fired, he saw a shot hitting a part of a steel beam and the beam getting disintigrated. The other shot hit one of the legs of Rize and it burst into a gooey, bloody mess that splattered onto Kaneki's face and left red on his clothes, Rize howled in pain and fell on the ground but she still inched her way towards Kaneki, but it didn't last long as some beams fell on them and left Kaneki unconscious and half dead.

A/N- whew! You wouldn't believe the amount of energy it takes to make that^ dotted line on a Nokia x. Well I guess it wasn't as hard to write a fanfiction as I thought. Ok so I'll try to keep up the pace and any suggestions, requests are much appreciated.

It's not who I am underneath, but the kind of touken I write that defines me.
(Fires a grappling hook on the nearest ledge, attaches it to his belt and disappears into the darkness)

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