Never Touch My Friends

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A/N media's a spoiler..but something is different.

Kaneki now started to go back to Kamii As Yoshimura decided that it would be alright because the heat had died down and he had a friend of his in the CCG look up the recordings from that night and he said that only his silhouette was visible as it was too dark for the camera, but the SIBYL system had taken it into account and had the exposure software and hardware in the cameras replaced with more advanced ones, obviously the CCG had excess funds, but now everything at all times would be visible, clear as day.

Kaneki was surprised Yoshimura had someone on the inside but he looked like someone with a lot of connections.

So, as he walked slowly towards the main literature building, still having trouble with one eye being covered by an eyepatch.

He heard a low 'oooo' sound approach him, it got louder and louder until Hide grabbed him. 'Right, crap I actually forgot about my best friend, I'm terrible'" Sorry Hide-kun, I just needed sometime alone after the operation, I'm really sorry I didn't contact you."

"Aah, it's alright man, but don't leave me alone like that again cause I get lonely and a lonely rabbit can't survive. But anyways where did you move to, I asked your landlord and he said you didn't tell him, so do live now?"

" oh, i couldn't pay my rent so I moved, Touka-chan got me a room in Anteiku, you know, the café and I have to work there to payback my room, but I don't mind, everyone's really friendly, they're great"

" Well I'm glad it's alright,... ah, hey Kaneki-kun could you come with me to Nisiki senpai's room?, I gotta pick up stats for a project of mine."

"I can'-" he saw the look on Hide's face and changed his statement weirdly"- come with you to there? Yes, I'll tag along."

"Great, meet me after classes are over"

With that Hide took off.

Kaneki sighed, he hoped The Manger wouldn't mind.

(The rest of the school hours got skipped by Mello cause he done be lazy and its 3 am in India and he tired as Heeelllll)

Kaneki met Hide at the designated place before the right time.

Seeing each other they took off, Hide led Kaneki to the upper levels of the building of Hide's senpai.

They knocked on the door of Hide's interest.

Hide opened the door And a girl rushed out, running down the hall.

Hide had been Surprised by the female.

Of all the things he had expected, this was way down in his list.

But still, shaken but not stirred( gently scramble up your insides ) Hide went in and talked a while and then he introduced Kaneki to Nishiki.

Nishiki looked at him with a notorious look, Kaneki backed away, but didn't move further than a few steps.

Hide didn't notice this, he asked Nishiki to look for it quickly.

Nishiki acted natural and started to look for the papers again, then he looked up and said lolling his head to one side that they must be at his house. Kaneki felt something wrong with this, but he guessed it must be the side effects of living only on coffee and sugar cubes.

As they walked under an overpass, kaneki saw Nishiki kick ( flesh ) Hide and then go on towards him.

Kaneki's eyes filled with rage, his thoughts immediately, fully focused on Killing Nishiki.

'no, I can't kill anyone, but I will hurt him badly'"NISHIKI! DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY FRIENDS!"

Reasoning with his inner bloodlust kaneki moved forward and Nishiki immediately ended up behind him, Kaneki got thrown forward and he hit his head.

Rize got up immediately and said "You little Brat, I'll kill you"

She moved with the speed of a hawk and kicked Nishiki meters away with a single kick. Then Rize's eyes turned to Hide, 'Hehehe, for me? Your so kind''NO! If you touch Hide I'll Kill us both' Kaneki protested, 'Aah Fine, But you will have to start eating flesh or I won't have to eat him cause of you ''Fine!, Just protect Hide''Even if I have to Kill?''EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO KILL''Even if I die in the process''Even IF WE DIE''Hmph, Well thats like a good boy, ehh Ka-Ne-Ki-San, hahaheha'.

With that Rize turned to Nishiki, she advanced forward towards Him, Kaneki realized Nishiki had a partner, then he remembered what had happened when his mom had died, he couldn't let another suffer the same Pain, 'Rize, Tear him apart but Do Not kill him''Aah, You and your restrictions. Can't you just let me kill this punk?'  'No' 'Fine Fine I won't kill him but I will bring him close to death.'

She released her kagune and plunged into Nishiki's body, Her other three tentacles grabbed a hand and two legs, and crushed his bones in to a blob, similar to what had happened to her when hit but the dominator, but this only effected his bones.

Nishiki cried as terrible pain surged . Through his , body like a million knives stabbing his body and then bursting into billions inside his body, the pain was too much, he went unconscious, "haha, did you die? No you didn't, did you little shit . Well that takes care of you", ' O, Kaneki san, come here and take your body, but you have to eat soon or I'll gently scramble up your insides, haha ha' with that she left the control of the body to Kaneki.

He slowly looked around towards Hide, he was unconscious, thankfully.

I have to get him to Anteiku, Touka will know what to do, he badly hurt as well. As he picked up Hide a familiar face looked at his face with a scowl, "You didn't go ahead and kill your friend did you?" "No" "Ok" "Aren't you going to ask about him?" He said pointing toward a pile made of Nishiki.

"No, I can imagine what happened", with that they took off towards Anteiku.
Four days later....

Hide had recovered easily and was told that they were hit by a car and while Nishiki had saved Kaneki, Hide and He had gotten hit. Considering the weakness of the story, Kaneki thought that all his story depended on was his acting. So he put up a performance that would put actors to shame.

As Hide left Kaneki looked towards Touka, going to say something, but he found something of major interest in her face,' it's beautiful' he thought, he hadn't noticed it all this time and he considered himself an idiot for not having realized it, he felt more comfortable being near Touka, Every time she spoke he felt his mind hanging on to every word like it was his last because he was going insane by how beautiful her voice felt to his ears, the way her face looked seemed ethereal to him. He recognized for the first time that "I like you"

Did I just say that outloud?, extreme red colour of her face confirmed it.

Touka had been also looking at his little stare off with her face and she had been questioning him about it while he mindlessly just stared, then he had said I like you, her heart stopped, did he actually just say that? She couldn't help but lightly punch him in the gut, what she didn't expect was her mouth saying "I like you too" at which he had slowly caressed her her cheek and moved her hair behind her ear and said "thank you, Touka" which made her blush even more cause he only used her first name , Enji was about to say something humiliating to the two when the door opened revealing a purple haired man who wore deep red clothes with a purple shirt. He spoke with an accent not of any particular country, seemed like a model guessing from his looks and well kept hair  " Aah, the aroma it's delightful"

A/N: dadadaaa, entry of the creepiest dude in the whole Series, you'll see why in the next one's media, he's 'that' character who acts as a gay joke in animes.
Well hope you liked the chapter, btw did anyone notice the manga reference at the end?, also yea that scene acted like a confession scene, but not a full on confession, they're lightly approaching the subject.
(*Moonwalkes into darkness.*)

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