Chapter 1: First Day

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A/N: This is my first slice of life book so I probably don't know when to finish this, or might rush things here, might discontinue  this. I'm only using this as a practice book to probably make better slice of life books.

The bell rung, signalling that school was starting. The students walked to their classrooms and a group of four boys walking were being stared at by the girls in the hallways.

"Kya~ Who are these hotties!"

"Look! That's the adopted son of the richest woman in all of Japan!"

The four just smiled back at them and the white haired boy saw a long purple haired girl walking at the distance with another girl with short purple hair.

"I don't know her yet, but I'm simping on her already..." Y/N blushed

"My name, Y/N. You heard the girl from earlier, I'm adopted by one of the richest woman in Japan. Ningguang is my adoptive mother, but I like to think that she's my real mother. Oh, you ask who these three idiots are? They're my childhood friends. I hate them, I love them, I despise them, I adore them, any feeling you can describe is what I feel about them. I also have two more childhood friends, but they always go to school early. Killjoys, right? I mean, who loves school? Yes, nerds. Anyways, I have to go to my classroom now and start my slice of life story." Y/N said

"Hey, idiot. Stop imagining that you're having a show." Kaeya said

"Tsk, let me have my fun once in a while you one eyed, self proclaimed knight!" Y/N said

"Hey, you three, get inside." Thoma said

"You're no fun!" Y/N, Kaeya and Tartaglia said at the same time

"Please get inside, you four. School is about to start." A light blue haired teacher said

The three got inside and took their seats while Y/N stood outside.

"I-I'll have to go use the restroom for a moment, sensei~" Y/N said

"You may, but don't take too long." The teacher said and went inside

Y/N ran away to the restroom and washed his face.

"W-W-W-W-What Ganyu-san is doing here?! D-Don't tell me she's my advisor! Mama most likely sent her to watch me!" Y/N said in his thoughts

"Yes, Ganyu-sensei. I knew she was a teacher, but I didn't know she would be my class advisor. She's a friend of my mother."

"I have to go back to class now." Y/N said

Y/N returned to his classroom and saw no seats.

"Y/N-kun, please introduce yourself." Ganyu smiled at him

"Yes..." Y/N said

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. I like dogs and I hate flying narwhals, pirates, red edgelords, dragons, and horned demons." Y/N said

"O-Okay... You may sit next to... Baal-san." Ganyu said

Y/N walked over to Baal who was the purple haired girl from earlier.

"Nice, to meet you..." Y/N slightly blushed

"Nice to meet you too." Baal smiled

"B-Beautiful!" Y/N was struck by lightning

They started the class and we timeskip to lunch because class is boring.

The four walked out of the classroom with their lunchboxes and went to the second years' classroom.

"Greetings, we have come and ask our dear friends, Zhongli and Diluc to lunch at the rooftop." Thoma posed

"Their location, shall be known." Kaeya posed

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