Chapter 6: School Trip Pt. 1

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Baal was inside the cafeteria with her friends while her friends were talking Baal was staring at Y/N who was sleeping as his friends talk.

"Y/N's cute when sleeping." Baal said in her thoughts


"Is Y/N sleeping?" Zhongli who just arrived asked

"I hope he's dead. I hated his guts." Diluc said

"No cap." Kaeya said

"Boy, what the hell boy?" Y/N woke up

"It's a joke." Diluc said

"If it is, it's not funny." Y/N said

"I thought you liked dark humor-" Diluc was cut off by Y/N kicking his legs

"Don't say that in school, you dolt." Y/N said

"It's almost break." Thoma said

"Idiot, we're two months away from fall break." Childe said

"But two months is close." Thoma said

"Yeah, we'll be having our school trip too." Y/N said

"Anyways, the new cryo sword just got released. I got her on my first ten pulls." Thoma said

"I got her and her sword on my first thirty pulls." Kaeya said

"I got mine on my first pull." Zhongli said

"Bitch, give me some of your luck!" Y/N said

"Yeah!" Childe said

"Me and Childe pulled together and we both got an off banner on our first pity!" Y/N said

"But did you get her yet?" Diluc asked

"Yeah, I already did." Childe said

"What about you, Y/N?" Childe asked

Y/N puts his hood on like $not

(If you know him, you cool af)

"Hey!" Childe grabs Y/N's arms while Kaeya took Y/N's phone

Of course, they knew Y/N's phone passcode. They know each other's passcodes as a sign of trust.

They opened Y/N's Yuanshen account and saw that he already got the new character with the sword at C6 and R5.

"... You... already got her constellations and maxed her sword, but you haven't leveled her up yet?!" Thoma asked

"Yeah... I was saving my resources for the Raiden Shogun." Y/N said

"You simp... I bet you're only pulling for her because of that thing!" Childe said

"No!" Y/N said

"Really?" Zhongli asked

"No." Y/N looks away

Y/N's friends sigh before laughing at him.

The next day, they were having homeroom classes and it was going to be a discussion about the school trip.

"Good morning, everyone." Ganyu greeted them as they greeted back

"For today's homeroom, we'll be talking about the school trip. The higher ups decided that we would be going to Hokkaido for this year's school trip.

"Ho-" Childe said

"Kai-" Thoma continued

"Do?!" Kaeya finished

"Well, what would you expect from this school." Y/N said

"But that's pretty overboard." Baal said

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